Friday, April 29, 2016

Witnessing a Clown Truck

Every morning, I drop my younger brother off in the CHS carpool line because my mother refuses to allow me to just kick him out and fend for himself while he walks to CHS even though he totally deserves it (I walked to CHS for years like a normal person, I didn't complain about it a lot,and I'm still alive). While doing this, I witness very strange things. Very strange things indeed. Today, I witnessed a clown truck. I kid you not when I say I saw at least eight guys climb out of a truck that should only fit like four or five tops. It was weird and caused me to be a bit late because they took fooooorever to get out, but it was kinda cool since it was a constant flow of people climbing out of this truck... It's weird that something like that would be mesmerizing.

- Delanna

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