Friday, April 15, 2016

My English Teacher Wants a Bear Skin Rug

Yay! It's Challenge Day (not really; I literally hate Challenge Day). That fun day that pins an all-girl school against an all-boy school in a huge fight to the death (at least that's how I see it). You gotta love the violence that pops up during Challenge Day week (I think it's mostly the girls who are violent). For example, my English teacher was telling us how she wasn't going to be happy unless we crush the boys, bring back a bear skin rug to decorate her floor (and I have a feeling she doesn't actually mean a bear even though the boy's school mascot is a bear), place the head of the president on a silver platter, and take back the Challenge Day trophy. I dunno know about you, but that disturbed me. She needs to go to a mental institute because no one should get that into Challenge Day. EVER.

- Delanna

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