Saturday, April 9, 2016

People Like Us Have to Make Our Own Luck in This Kind of World

I've heard it a thousand times. People like us have to make our own luck in this kind of world. I understand the meaning and everything. It means you have to go out and make things happen for yourself rather than waiting for them to happen by chance, but is it sad that every time I hear it I think about having to make a machine that creates luck? Yes, it's kinda stupid, but I have a weird imagination. When I was little, I used to picture myself inventing this huge steam-punk looking machine that just spit luck out at ya. I figured I would make a living out of it since who doesn't want luck? I would charge super high, ridiculous prices for one piece of luck per person, and by the end of the first day, I would totally be richer than the bloody queen of England and eventually be the richest person in the world. I eventually figured out (and was crushed when it happened) that luck isn't something that can be made in a machine, so I've kinda given up on that dream. But, it doesn't mean that every time my dad says this line that I don't envision a luck-making machine that keeps improving and evolving over time (and he does say that line a lot, so think about how advanced my machine is today). Maybe one day, I'll make it work and be the richest human to ever live? And maybe even the dictator of the world after I steal everyone's money though my invention?

- Delanna

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