Sunday, April 10, 2016

8 Reasons Why You Should Watch ERASED

ERASED is one of my favorite animes of all time. It's basically one big murder mystery. The main character, Satoru, has the ability called Revival, which allows him to go back in time and fix some horrible tragedy. After the murder of his mother, he finds himself back in the year 1988 when one of his classmates was murdered. He spends the series trying to prevent the string of murders that claim several lives including his classmate's and figuring out who the murderer even is. I love the anime because it is full of action and has many twists and turns that leave you wondering what just happened. Here are 8 reasons why YOU should watch it, too:

1. It's one huge mystery of who did it, and who doesn't like mysteries? Besides, murder mysteries are always the best, and there is plenty of murders to solve in this anime. The way it was written makes it extremely hard for some to figure out the one behind it all, and it will definitely leave everyone surprised and wanting more by the end when you do find out. At least, I was left wanting more...

2. The main character has a strange, unusual ability/power. Maybe it's just the delusions of an anime-hooked fan, but every show is a thousand times better if the main character or even a side character has an epic power like Revival that allows them to travel back to the past.

3. It takes place in the past! Both in 2006 and 1988! You can kinda sorta relive your childhood by trying to remember what you were doing while some of the more current events are taking places, and you can experience a year you weren't alive for. How fun does that sound?!

4. It's pretty rare, or at least it is for me, to find an anime where the main character is a manga artist. I think that's pretty amazing even if he's pretty bad in the beginning because he lacks inspiration and creativity.

5. Many of the scenes take places in some really cool places. Whether it's under a bridge, in the snow, or on a mountain, the background is sure to wow you. If you have any sense, that is.

6. The heroes of the story are kids for the most part. While the beginning and the end takes place when the main character is an adult, a majority of the middle takes place when he and his friends are kids, and what's better than a whole bunch of kids saving the day and catching the bad guy by solving mysteries and what not?

7. It's a relatively short anime. It's only 12 episodes long, so those of you who claim you don't have time to sit down and watch an entire anime no longer have an excuse. Bwahahaha. You can literally sit down on a Saturday and watch the whole thing.

8. You should just watch because if you don't, I will destroy your mind and soul. Hahaha. Probably not, but you don't want to take any chances right? Nah, you should do it since it's the right thing to do because you will be a lot more educated and happy after watching this. Or something like that. Maybe I should go back to threatening just to get you to watch it...?

Hopefully by now, I have convinced you to watch this anime. If not, keep reading this until you feel convinced enough to watch it, or just go watch it regardless and convince yourself that you should watch that way. I'm probably not making any sense at this point, but I'm exhausted. Can you really blame me?

- Delanna

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