Sunday, April 10, 2016

When You Wonder Why People From Other Countries Have An Interest In Your Weird American Blog

I enjoy looking at the statistics of this blog because it shows you the countries where people who have read your blog live. Naturally, the United States is home to a majority of my readers (no surprise there since that's where I live and where my friends live) with 224. Next, is Germany with 6 viewers. Then, the United Kingdom is in third place with 4. Australia, Hong Kong, and India are all tied with 2 viewers each, and Costa Rica, Italy, South Korea, and Mexico are tied at one viewer each. This is pretty surprising and leaves me wondering why my blog is of any interest to them since they don't know me or anything. Maybe they just stumble upon it by accident and wind up scrambling for the backspace key because my blog is so scary to people who don't somewhat know me.

- Delanna

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