Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Best Kind of Gummy

A couple of days ago, a friend gave me a late birthday present - two bags of gummies. I have to admit this was like the best thing ever. I love gummies as you already know since I've already talked about my gummy addiction. The best kind of gummies are, of course, gelatin-free gummies. But, what are the best of the best gummies? Obviously, it would be the mutated gummies. I don't know why, but I love them. The little gummy bears without heads. The life savers without holes. The ones that are awkwardly attached and have a weird mixed color. Does this make me weirder than what I already am? Who cares! I love mutated gummies! Maybe if I eat enough, I'll mutate, too, and gain super awesome gummy powers. Whatever those may be... I hope they are cool powers... Anything gummy related has to be cool, right...?

- Delanna

P.S. I'm not really sure why I added that last picture. Maybe it's because I have no pictures of mutated gummies. Or, maybe it's because I feel this way every time I eat an animal gummy. It's like going against my beliefs without actually eating an animal. I'm such a horrible human being. And an even worse vegetarian.

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