Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I Refuse to be Buried in the Floor of a Church

It's never going to happen. I absolutely refuse to be buried in the floor of a church. A recurring theme I saw in England was people being buried in the floor of major cathedrals. I just couldn't imagine ever doing something like that. You would have thousands of people (mostly tourists) WALKING OVER YOUR GRAVE (yes, Elise, I'm looking at you), and as they walk over you grave, they wear down the writing on your little tombstone and bam! Next thing you know, you have a  blank tombstone with no writing left, and no one knows you're buried in there. In fact, they probably just think that you are a discolored tile on the ground that had replaced some broken tile. Sorry, but I would rather be buried above ground with a proper, well-written tombstone where I'm less likely to get walked all over (I have enough people doing that to me today while I'm still alive; I would hate to see what would happen when I'm dead). I guess I also need to avoid being famous since most of the people we were walking over were supposedly very famous, but I didn't know most of them. So, maybe not?

- Delanna

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