Thursday, April 14, 2016

An Error Occurred. Please Try Again Later.

Have you ever tried to watch a very meaningful commercial on YouTube that's supposed to make you cry your eyes out, but stupid Youtube decides that an error is occurring at the exact moment two friends who hadn't seen each other in over 40 years start hugging?! Yeah, it happened to me in WHAP. We were watching that commercial for Google about the reunion of  two friends who had been separated for many years. The moment they started hugging all meaningfully and stuff, YouTube decided to mess with us and go all error on us. It just made me cry harder over the whole thing. It was almost like YouTube was like you want closure to this sad/happy/beautiful story? Never! Bwahahahaha. And I died because it's like aw, they're hugging, but no, now it's an error. Boooo.

- Delanna

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