Wednesday, April 27, 2016

She Made Me Take It Off

I have this sweater that I wear every single day (except for maybe weekends where I will wear my showcase sweatshirt or something). Everyone who knows me has seen it (duh), but if you haven't, it's the navy blue uniform sweater.  I have an obsession with it. I'm not really sure why or how it started, but nothing can make me take it off. Well, except for one person. My art teacher, Ms. Lane. She made me take it off in class because I was supposed to being doing pottery or something (mine turned out like a really lumpy, deformed lump of stuff because I've never done it before). I literally spent the whole class feeling, well, naked or under dressed. It was weird. I couldn't concentrate on anything because I kept looking back at it. When I was done cleaning and everything, I pretty much ripped off my smock and hugged my sweater after putting it back on (so I pretty much just looked like I was hugging myself, but in reality, I was hugging the sweater). Heat can't even make me take it off, but when Ms. Lane asked, I couldn't say no. She's just too nice. But, I refuse to ever take it off again if not by choice.

- Delanna

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