Monday, April 4, 2016

Inside Out Easter Eggs That Make Me Appreciate It Even More

1. It's the same globe found in like every Toy Story movie made so far. I guess all Pixar kids must like geography? Or maybe they're just better at it than I am? You can also spy the globe in her teacher's mind towards the end of the movie.

Inside Out

2. Ring a bell? I wonder if Riley ever met Bonnie at this playground. I bet they did at one point.


3. Many of Riley's memory orbs are memories from the movie Up. You can see Carl and Ellie moments in a lot of different places. I guess that means Riley must be related somehow just like Andy, who has a post card from them hanging on his wall. In this picture, you can see the house twice.

4. If you look closely at Riley's classmates, you'll notice that two of her classmates are wearing some pretty snazzy clothing. The first one is the girl wearing the skull skirt. It's identical to the one worn by Sid in Toy Story except the colors are switched. Sid must have a long lost twin. If you look at the boy to the left, he is sporting a very familiar dinosaur on his sleeve. That's right, it's Arlo from The Good Dinosaur. I don't know about you, but I want an Arlo shirt now.

5. When Riley is playing hockey, you can see a banner sporting Tri-County. Tri-County International Airport is the airport from Toy Story. Connection...? I think so because it can be seen in several other movies.

6. I spy with my little eye an Arlo and a certain Forrest Woodbush. I guess they excavated them millions of years later or something like that...

7.  Can you find Nemo? I found him. Looks like he's a far way from home. Also, look at all those dinosaurs from The Good Dinosaur. They must work hard AND play hard. Fun fact: if you look at the playing cards in this picture you can see Riley's dad, Riley's mom, and Riley herself.

8. Naturally, it won't be a Pixar movie without a few A-113s, now would it? Like for example, this classic graffiti A-113 or the fact that Riley's classroom is A-113.

9. This must be a pretty popular Chinese takeout. I know for a fact that it's big in both Ratatouille and A Bug's Life. Just looking at it makes me want to try it.

10. Colette from Ratatouille must be doing really well if she's on the front cover of a magazine.

11. I must say that the most beautiful (and only) Figment painting that I've ever seen is located in the bottom right hand corner. Seeing it makes me want to break down and cry tears of joy.

12. Of course, we have to discuss the Pizza Planet truck which appears about seven times throughout the movie. Here's one of those moments:

13. A very famous group of birds makes an appearance while Riley is travelling to her new home. I guess their feathers have grown back by this point.

14. Another short reference makes an appearance in Riley's classroom. Remember the moon cleaners from La Luna?

15. Look at the Luxo ball hiding by the bookcase. What a sneaky little ball.

16. Seriously?! Riley dreams about Mickey and the Tin Toy? Same! We have so much in common!

17. Remember Ted, the obscure monster whose leg is the only thing you see, from Monsters, Inc.? Probably not, but he makes an appearance, too. Just look by the ladder propped up on the wall on the right.

Monsters Inc

- Delanna

P.S. Random reference time!! Pete Doctor, the director of Inside Out, voices Riley's father's Anger. "Forget it, Jake. It's Cloudtown" (said after Joy and Sadness blow away a cloud's husband, and two cops are investigating it) is a direct reference to a similar quote said in the movie, Chinatown. During Riley's nightmare, the soundtrack from the Haunted Mansion is playing. John Ratzenberger continues his streak of voicing a character in every Pixar movie by voicing Fritz, the worker who rebuilds Riley's control panel at the end of the movie. The poster for the nightmare I'm Falling for a Very Long Time Into a Pit is a dead ringer for the movie poster for the movie, Vertigo. All of the cars in San Francisco were modeled off the ones used in Cars 2.

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