Saturday, April 23, 2016

Adios Forever My Dear Friend

Today, my parents got tired of my inability to respond to their texts and/or calls, so they dragged me to AT&T and upgraded my phone to like an iPhone 6s (I think it is a 6s, but I actually have no bloody idea). I feel really bad about this. My little iPhone 4s has been with me for like four years now. We've been through everything together. Trips, parties, outings, other stuff... I can't just abandon it! Well, actually, I guess I can since it is currently sitting on my desk. Dead. I still feel horrible about this. Also, my new phone is extremely difficult to use. For example, I keep trying to turn it off or on from the top of the phone only to realize that the power button has moved to the side. It's like why?! It's literally a power button. Keep it in the same place! But, hey, it's not really my call, I guess. Not only that, but the thing is huge. Who has pockets that big?! It is literally the size of Delaney's face. Literally. I thought the whole point of creating new cellphones was originally for them to get smaller and easier to use, but whatever. At least I can call and text people now, so I guess I can't complain.

- Delanna

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