Monday, April 4, 2016

A Certain Illegal Candy

In Britain, there is a certain candy called a kinder egg that is illegal in America. It is simply a chocolate egg (milk chocolate on the outside and white chocolate on the inside) covering a yellow capsule with a mystery toy inside that can be found in almost any convenience store located in England. So, why is such an amazing candy banned in America, you ask? Simple. American people just can't handle its awesomeness. Back in 1938 (before the kinder egg was even invented which was in the 1970s), the United States passed the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act which basically banned any food with toys embedded in them. If someone tried to smuggle a couple of these eggs in the states today, there would be a fine up to $2,500 per egg. Lovely, right? I got a couple of them on my trip (one had a truck in it, and the other had a cat that would move its head if you touched its belly in it), and I was totally going to try and smuggle them in (not really) until I learned about the fine. Instead, I ate them quickly with a weird guilty look on my face (apparently, but I wouldn't know since I wasn't looking in a mirror or anything) that would make any cop immediately arrest me. Anyway, they were pretty amazing and made me wish they weren't banned. Maybe I should try signing the petition trying to lift the ban that's on We the People?

- Delanna

P.S. I promise I didn't try and smuggle anything in. Even if the customs officer didn't check my bags and took my word for like everything I said...

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