Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sleep is a Very Important Thing

There isn't a person in this world who wouldn't agree that sleep is an important thing (at least everyone should agree). I love sleep. A lot. If, I didn't have to go to school, I would probably sleep the day away. I mean, people who know me well know that I will sleep whenever I'm not doing something or pretty much whenever I can. It's gotten really bad, I know, but I only get about five hours of sleep every night. Lately, I've been getting even less, so I've found myself falling asleep in class more than usual. For example, today I slept through part of Calculus (after Taj tried to assassinate me), all of Theology, the end of Physics, and soon all of English (mostly because I refuse to watch our class's TED talks). The real problem is the fact that I fall asleep and don't realize that I fell asleep until the bell rings. I don't intentionally fall asleep unless its meditation, but it happens anyway causing me to get in a lot of trouble for it.

- Delanna

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