Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Day of Unrelenting Misfortune

Never in my life (at least that I can remember) have I ever had such an unlucky day. I blame it on Calculus mostly because that's what started my day. You see, in order to prepare for the exam today, I kinda pulled an all-nighter. Yeah, it was pretty stupid, but whatever. It's too late to do anything about it now. I've never felt so violated by an exam in my life. I have a feeling that I probably failed it. If I'm lucky... Anyway, my misfortune didn't end there. My mom basically kicked me right back out of my house as soon as I got home from the bloody three hour exam to get food since we had apparently run out, and she didn't feel like going to Wal-Mart to get more. I got stuck going to McDonald's where it literally feels like just standing inside causes massive brain cell lose. Literally, the girl who was taking my order said "like" like every other word. I know I say "like" a lot, too, and probably have no room to judge, but like, she said "like" at least 50 times more than I do in a single sentence. It was so ridiculous that I vowed never to say another unnecessary "like" again (clearly I'm having trouble keeping this vow). Not only was her "like" usage annoying, but she also cheated me out of food because she forgot like half my order. Then, this afternoon, I saw The Jungle Book with Mark (which was awesome and not unfortunate). The thing that was unfortunate was the bookstore. Recently, a lot of new volumes from different manga series that I follow came out, and I was planning one getting some. EXCEPT THE BOOKSTORE DECIDED NOT TO HAVE ANY IN STOCK which actually just crushed me. It was worse than the whole exam experience. After that, I kinda just died (and wanted to start researching curses in order to destroy the very thing that denied me) until I found the final book of the How to Train Your Dragon series which I immediately bought along with another volume of manga (that was not on my list for the day). As if not being able to buy what I had originally intended to buy wasn't bad enough, I found a penny on the movie theater floor. I know what you're thinking. Finding pennies means a day full of luck. WRONG! Well, half wrong and half right. It's only lucky if you find it with the head facing up, but I found mine with the tail facing up. When that happens, you're supposed to turn it over for the next person, but I just took it. At least if I can't have any luck, I can be a penny richer. Bwahahaha. That's actually probably why I'm so unlucky... I swear the misfortune kept rolling today until I fell over in my bed for the night. Heck, it's still going on because I'm having trouble getting this to post...

- Delanna

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