Tuesday, April 5, 2016

If I Died Tonight, Would Anyone Care?

If I died tonight,
Would anyone care?
Would I leave a hole in someone's heart?
One that would never leave them?
Would they mourn me at all?
Probably not.
I'll be forgotten as soon as my last breath
Drifts into the wind and disappears forever.
Life would keep on going
Since it's never stopped for anyone before.
I can't help, but wonder would they even care?
My friends, the friends
I spend my time with at school.
Would they care at all?
Or would they continue to leave me behind,
All alone at the lone table full of nothing.
My name would be a thing of the past,
My life leaving no lasting impact,
And my dreams would slowly rot away
Like the forgotten trees in the middle of the forest.
If I had no legacy,
Why bother?
Why bother to go on,
When I am hated and jeered at,
Left behind while others move forward?
The words of hate they whisper behind my back
Would last longer than any false kindness
They may present me
When the time suits them.
There is no point.
I just need to end it.
End everything now
Rather than go on and suffer
From a pointless war waged in the high school corridor
Over worthless relationships and connections.
Just take one last breath and close my eyes
Never to wake up again,
A long dreamless sleep.

But, if I end it now,
Is it truly worth it?
Because life's worth living,
Or so they say.
If you were dead or never existed,
There are things that you would never experience.
The feeling of the sun on your face
As you walk to the car
Or the ice cold lemonade as it slides down your throat.
The ability to walk and run and skip
Would never be enjoyed if you didn't exist.
So, maybe if you think about it,
Life really is worth living.
It doesn’t matter how many people
Like or hate you
As long as you find someone or something
That's worth living for.
It may take a while,
But it's out there
Waiting to be discovered.
And that's when life truly becomes
Worth living.
So maybe the pain and suffering I go through every day,
Will all be worth it in the future.
If I just focus on the good in my life
No matter how small,
And maybe I, too, can believe
That life is worth everything.

- Delanna

P.S. Sorry it kinda got dark, but this is my lame attempt at writing poetry. Super sorry if it sucks, but I'm bad at writing this kind of stuff. And, I kinda hate it which doesn't really help I guess.

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