Thursday, April 28, 2016

Taj Literally Just Tried to Kill Me

I swear Taj just tried to murder me. I was innocently reading Calculus AP notes when I saw something narrowly miss me out of the corner of my eye. It was terrifying because when I say narrowly missed me, it literally barely brushed me. Turns out, it was Taj trying to throw a paper wad into the recycling bin. What made this "innocent" action like 100 times more suspicious was the fact that he said (and I quote), "Dang. I missed the slacker!" I don't know why he hates me so much (well, I kinda do because it probably involves the fact that I hate math and draw over all over my homework). Either way, why attack someone who is actually doing math related stuff for once?! Thanks a lot, Taj. I totally feel the love. Well, the hate.

- Delanna

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