Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revenge Really Is a Dish Best Served Extremely Cold

So, yesterday, I got revenge on this person who has bothered me for quite some time now (and really, I mean like a looooong time). I won't say exactly what happened or who this person really is, but I'm like the worse human alive because what happened made me temporarily happy. And, then I felt super guilty about it, but don't worry because I stopped feeling guilty after like two seconds and was pretty much neutral after that. Anyway, I literally felt like Monokuma (this character from Danganronpa who I am obsessed with) because he always laughs maniacally about things, and I totally wanted to laugh maniacally over this (yes, I told you, I am the worst). I literally felt like this at first:

And then became this:

Which turned into this:

And then this:

And of course this:

Which lead to this:

And maybe a little of this:

Which then turned into this:

And finally turned into this:

And that's when I calmed down. You probably couldn't tell on the outside how I was feeling, but this is what was going on inside my head pretty much. I'm so ashamed of myself. Worst person ever. Sitting right here typing this. I'm horrible. I apologize. Yep. I'm am horrible...

- Delanna

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