Friday, April 8, 2016

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Can we just talk about how beautiful the background art is in the anime, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash? It's pretty amazing. I guess first I should explain what in the world this anime is for you poor, deprived fools who have never watched it (I'm just joking about the fools part...or am I?). Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is about a group of kids who wake up in Grimgar without any memories from their past. In order to survive, they have to train and earn the money to become volunteer soldiers who protect the borders from monsters. Now, back to the background art. This anime makes use of beautiful water color looking backgrounds that are quite literally eye-popping (is that even a thing?). Here is a look for you people who haven't witnessed it yet:

Just by looking at these pictures, you can tell a lot of time went into making these amazing. The attention to detail and the way the light falls on the trees and leaves is literally unbelievable. Is it sad that I mostly watch this anime for the background art? Don't get me wrong. I love the characters and the story, but nothing can beat the background.

- Delanna

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