Friday, April 15, 2016

Is It Police Or PoLice?

Police cars always confused me as a child. The fact that it's spelled "PoLice" on the side of the car made me me think of "Po" and then "Lice" which then led little me to believe a whole lot of people named "Po" were running around with lice infestations. For the longest time, I would avoid cops like the plague because I didn't want their lice. Later, my parents finally got around to explaining how this "Po" with lice in his hair is really a law enforcer called a "police" officer, and they randomly capitalized the "L" to make the logo look cool. Because of this, I like the new police logo design because it doesn't have random capital letters in the middle of the word causing small children to believe that a large amount of people are running around with lice in their hair.

- Delanna

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