Wednesday, April 6, 2016


It's KAITO time! Sorry, but I did warn you that I was in a vocaloid mood. I've been listening to them like non-stop. It's been great. Anyway, another one of my favorite vocaloids is KAITO. He's graphics are pretty amazing as you can see down below, and he songs are equally great. Here's a couple of my favorites:


2. Cherry

3. Fruit of Sound

4. Bake a Cookie

5. Pirates of the 31 (He is an Ice)

6. 1000 Years of Solo Singing


8. Singing in the Sea of Electrons

9. Story About a Poor Rabbit

10. Sakura


12. Sing, Sing, Sing

13. It! = The Revolution of Love

14. Miniature Garden of Happiness

15. From the Craddle to the Grave

16. Cantarella

17. To You Who Had Become Stars

18. The Forrest of Singing Butterflies

19. Radical Dreamers

20. Why Did My Sales Grow?

And naturally, there are more, but if you're really curious, go look them up. I promise it is worth it. Well, I guess only if you are looking for someone new to listen to. Maybe it's just me, but a lot of his songs make me think about food...a lot...

- Delanna

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