Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Slightly Homicidal Bouncy House

After CHS Prom yesterday (or was it today), I went to an after party at someone's house. In his backyard, there was a slightly homicidal bouncy house. You're probably wondering how in the heck a bouncy house could be homicidal. Well, let me assure you, bouncy houses can, in fact, be homicidal. Just ask this one. It was kinda old, so it made truly bouncing on it practically impossible. Also, every time someone fell over or bounced too hard, the bouncy house would swallow them and try to suffocate them. It was kinda funny until it wasn't. Since I was the smallest, I would get swallowed up a lot and pretty much had to be dragged out. Poor Wellesley went so deep that she wound up getting a mouth full of dirt and had to be dragged out by like three people. So, I rest my case. That bouncy house was homicidal. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was murdered by it and appeared on the news. I'm just happy to have made it out alive.

- Delanna

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