Monday, April 4, 2016

Louisiana Laws That Make You Question the Sanity of Politicians

I recently came across some unusual laws that have been passed as Louisiana state laws or just city laws. Either way, these laws make me question the sanity of any Louisiana politician. I actually fear for the future of Louisiana at this point, and here's why:
  • It is illegal to gargle in public places.
  • Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
  • In New Orleans, you may not fall onto a sidewalk and block it while being drunk.
  • Ordering a pizza to be delivered to your friend without them knowing could land you a $500 fine.
  • You may not "dare" another person to go onto railroad tracks owned by someone else.
  • Mourners at a wake may not eat more than three sandwiches.
  • "Fake" wrestling matches are prohibited.
  • Our "paper bag head" New Orleans Saints fans my be surprised to find out that in Louisiana, it's a crime for fans at a sporting event to insult or disparage the players.
  • Mardi Gras beads may not be thrown from a third story window.
  • Snakes are not allowed within 200 yards of the Mardi Gras parade route.
  • No one may throw objects at a parade float.
  • Television reporters may not throw doubloons, trinkets, or other things to the crowd during a parade.
  • Goatees are illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
  • It is illegal for a woman in New Orleans to drive a car unless her husband is waving a flag in front of it.
  • It is illegal to practice voodoo in the city limits.
  • You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant.
  • City commission members may not drink during a public meeting or else risk a $50 fine.
  • One may not host a game in Lafayette Square without a permit.
  • One-handed bicycle riding is prohibited. Every rider of a bicycle, tricycle, or other vehicle propelled by hand or foot must keep at least one hand on the handlebars while riding.
  • You may not ride horseback or drive cattle on the neutral ground or fasten any animal to a tree in a public highway, neutral ground, park, public place, triangle, or sidewalk in the city.
  • It is illegal to be an alcoholic.
  • Saying obscene things on the telephone is illegal.
  • Minors may not go to businesses with coin-operated foosball machines unless accompanied by an adult. 
  • No one may pour a drink out on the ground at any drive-in movie.
  • All garbage must be cooked before it can be fed to any hogs.
  • In, Carencro, there is currently a ban on cowbells.
  • In Abbeville, it is illegal to use your roller skates on the sidewalk.
  • In Rayne, it is illegal to trick-or-treat for kids who are aged 14 and up.
Why were some of these laws ever even thought of? What happened that caused lawmakers to pass these ridiculous laws? Why am I only 5'3"?! Ah, the questions that will never be answered...

- Delanna

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