Friday, April 8, 2016

A Slice of Heaven

Lunch is almost upon us (well, for people with 4th hour lunch because I still have a while to wait until 6th), and they are serving MAC AND CHEESE PIZZA! I usually hate pizza. I eat it waaaay too much during marching band season to where it's pretty pathetic, so pizza tastes kinda dry (I'm guessing that's how you would describe it) and disgusting to me. But, mac and cheese pizza is different. It's literally a slice of heaven! Double the cheeses! Noodles! More cheese! And cheese! Just thinking about it makes me want to get some during WHAP (I'll probably be doing this regardless since I'm pretty much dying of starvation). Ah, bless you, inventor of the mac and cheese pizza. Thou art truly a saint.

- Delanna

P.S. Doesn't that picture of mac and cheese pizza look simply glorious?! I can't wait anymore! 4th hour lunch, beware! I shall be stealing some of your pizza!

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