Saturday, April 9, 2016

I Dare You to Bite Her

On behalf of my brother, I apologize for the way he treated you, Persy. Even though some may say I played a part in it (I guess it's true), it is mostly Kylle's fault because he is an idiot. I guess you're wondering why I'm randomly apologizing for something I didn't do, right? Well, whenever I get home, it's a custom for my brother and I to hold and play with my guinea pigs. Well, today, Kylle was holding Persephone, and it was clear she had to go to the bathroom. Whenever that happens, my guinea pigs bite (more like a nibble) to let us know to put them back. I saw it coming, so I warned Kylle. But, the idiot, like usual, didn't listen and got bitten. He was all like why do you do this to me, and I need revenge. Jokingly, I was like why don't you bite her back as revenge? I dare you to do it. And you know what the idiot did? He bite her. He actually bite her. I mean he didn't fully bite her or even put her in his mouth, but the intent was totally there. So, for your sake, Persy, I hope that idiot catches zoonosis from you. Because he deserves it.

- Delanna

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