Friday, April 29, 2016

What Kind of Evil Gives a Three Hour Exam on a Saturday Morning?!

Well, besides Taj, nothing is that evil. Nothing. It is pure evil to give a three hour exam on a Saturday morning that starts at 8 o'clock sharp. It's almost like he enjoys torturing us. I hate mornings and taking tests first thing in the morning only make them like a thousand times worse. Right now, I should be preparing for this exam, but I physically can't. I just can't bring myself to do it. I study, but then I stop and procrastinate. After procrastinating, I study a bit, and then I break down and cry a bit because this exam is just depressing. If anything is to kill me, this exam will. I guarantee it. But, if by some miracle I survive it, I will probably spend the rest of the day crying over how horrid it was.

- Delanna

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