Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kagamine Rin and Len

I dunno why, but this week, I just really feel like talking about my favorite vocaloids. First, it was Hatsune Miku, and now it's the twins, Rin and Len (technically not twins, but I like it better that way). They are my second favorite vocaloids (naturally they are tied behind Miku). I find them very adorable, and their songs are pretty upbeat for the most part which is good because I can't really handle depressing songs. Here are some of my favorite songs featuring them:

1. Servant of Evil

2. Gigantic Otn

3. Sacred Spear Explosion Boy

4. Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder

5. Spice!

6. Soundless Voice

7. Electric Angel

8. Wave

9. Pomp and Circumstances

10. Mr. Taxi

11. Hachi - Hachi Flowery Battle of the Kagamines

12. Prisoner

13. Out of Eden

14. Plus Boy (+ ♂)

15. Childish War

16. Paradichlorobenzene 【destructive - Type Brainwashing Song】

17. Alice of Human Sacrifices

18. Shota Shota Burning Night

19. Remote Control

20. Ponponpon

21. Toluthin Antenna

Of course, there are plenty more songs featuring them that I absolutely love, but if I keep going, I might break my computer which would be pretty unfortunate. But, if you've never listened to them (or Hatsune Miku), you should totally try them even if you think they aren't your thing because you might be surprised at what you can like. Right now, they are like my background and profile picture for like everything. It's weird, but here's a better look at it:

- Delanna

P.S. I'm sorry to all those who are bored to death of me talking about vocaloids, but I still have a couple more to go. Sorry. Not really. It's my blog. Deal with it. :)

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