Thursday, April 14, 2016

I Think My Sister Has a Dryer Complex

Today, I walked in my kitchen after school to get a snack. I'm not kidding when I say I walked in on my sister creepily hugging the dryer. I mean it's one thing to hug the dryer and be like thanks for drying my clothes and walk off, but she sat there hugging it and looking at it like she wanted to go out with it. I was so scarred permanently by this scene that I had to slowly back out of the room. I swear this must mean she has a thing for dryers. A dryer complex of some sort. If it's not already a thing, it is now. I dunno what the poor dryer did to deserve it, or how she might find it attractive or whatever, but I can't look at that dryer anymore. That image is forever ingrained in my memory...

- Delanna

P.S. I guess I could see it if the dryer didn't rattle so much or make so much noise... But the kids! What about the kids? How will they raise them? Will they go to drying school instead of driving school? Is it even possible to have kids with a dryer?! Delaney, consider well. You also might want to look up and see if appliance marriage is legal in the state of Louisiana because if not, you'll have to move. Maybe Antarctica. I heard everything is legal over there. Well, maybe not everything. You might wind up being tried by an all-penguin court.

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