Monday, April 11, 2016

When Your Math Teacher Doesn't Think You Can Pass the AP Exam

I don't have and never will have an appreciation for math. Sorry to those who love it, but I hate it. There is waaaaaay too much structure and not enough room for creativity. Besides, while I understand it, I don't understand how I could possible use have of what I'm learning unless I went on to be a math teacher or some math creating person. It's just not me. I'm more of an artsy person (but I also despise English). So, when my math teacher sees me in the hall and is all like you better try and at least get a three, it really ticks me off. He has it in his head that because I don't have a love for math, I'll get a dash dash on the exam and ultimately ruin his already blemished record (like what about the other hundred or so students who failed?). Well, I hate to break it to you, Taj, but I'm not completely stupid. Nor do I intended to not try and fail the exam. So get off my back already!

- Delanna

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