Tuesday, April 26, 2016

When All You Have to Look Forward to at the End of the Day is a Nap

Well, this is actually not a bad thing. I love napping. Especially when I have a free period. The problem with this is the reason why I get a free period and a nap The reason for my nap (and soon to be misery) is the style show. It happens every year. All the FACS people get together and show off their clothes they made, and they even have some people perform and show off their talents. It's pretty much absolute torture for me. I usually sleep through them (or suffer silently if there is a teacher preventing me from sleeping), but lately, I find that it is very hard to sleep in a chair sitting up. I don't know why, but it's gotten to be pretty uncomfortable which is sad. Actually, just sitting in those chairs has become unbearable. I can't concentrate on anything in that gym. So, that means I only get a 45 minute nap outside instead of 90 minute or so nap. Which is very disappointing. I wish I could get my mom to check me out or something, but I have a science club meeting after school that I can't miss. Oh well. Someone please just put me out of my misery already.

- Delanna

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