Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Don't Play With Your Food!

Don't play with your food! That's all I ever hear from my mom. Especially when I was younger (cause I have kinda grown out of it). Delanna, your soup is not an ocean, and the veggies are NOT boats! Delanna, your noodles are NOT weapons used for torture or execution! Delanna, your cereal is NOT full of little bombs set to detonate! Delanna, stop playing with your food RIGHT NOW! Get the picture? I was quite the troublemaker as a kid, but then again, I still am in some ways. Anyway, today during lunch, I am proud to say I was playing with my food. Again. My friends, Taylor and Roques, had a cookie. I know what you're thing. A cookie? What could you possibly do with a cookie? Well, you can break it up into tiny cookie pieces and use them as mini footballs to be used in a game of mini football. At least, that's what we did. Or started off doing. It ended with us pretty much trying to kill each other with the cookie, and I have to say, we were pretty good. Apparently, and I didn't know this until today, cookies can hurt. A lot. Especially if your friend decides to nail you in the eye. We probably looked like a bunch of three year olds doing this, but I don't think any of us actually cared since we were dying of laughter and looking pretty stupid while doing so. The whole time we were just goofing around, I couldn't help but imagine my mother yelling at me to stop playing with my food. It was pretty funny. I guess you would have to have been there to truly understand the intensity of what we were doing.

- Delanna

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