Never in my life (at least that I can remember) have I ever had such an unlucky day. I blame it on Calculus mostly because that's what started my day. You see, in order to prepare for the exam today, I kinda pulled an all-nighter. Yeah, it was pretty stupid, but whatever. It's too late to do anything about it now. I've never felt so violated by an exam in my life. I have a feeling that I probably failed it. If I'm lucky... Anyway, my misfortune didn't end there. My mom basically kicked me right back out of my house as soon as I got home from the bloody three hour exam to get food since we had apparently run out, and she didn't feel like going to Wal-Mart to get more. I got stuck going to McDonald's where it literally feels like just standing inside causes massive brain cell lose. Literally, the girl who was taking my order said "like" like every other word. I know I say "like" a lot, too, and probably have no room to judge, but like, she said "like" at least 50 times more than I do in a single sentence. It was so ridiculous that I vowed never to say another unnecessary "like" again (clearly I'm having trouble keeping this vow). Not only was her "like" usage annoying, but she also cheated me out of food because she forgot like half my order. Then, this afternoon, I saw The Jungle Book with Mark (which was awesome and not unfortunate). The thing that was unfortunate was the bookstore. Recently, a lot of new volumes from different manga series that I follow came out, and I was planning one getting some. EXCEPT THE BOOKSTORE DECIDED NOT TO HAVE ANY IN STOCK which actually just crushed me. It was worse than the whole exam experience. After that, I kinda just died (and wanted to start researching curses in order to destroy the very thing that denied me) until I found the final book of the How to Train Your Dragon series which I immediately bought along with another volume of manga (that was not on my list for the day). As if not being able to buy what I had originally intended to buy wasn't bad enough, I found a penny on the movie theater floor. I know what you're thinking. Finding pennies means a day full of luck. WRONG! Well, half wrong and half right. It's only lucky if you find it with the head facing up, but I found mine with the tail facing up. When that happens, you're supposed to turn it over for the next person, but I just took it. At least if I can't have any luck, I can be a penny richer. Bwahahaha. That's actually probably why I'm so unlucky... I swear the misfortune kept rolling today until I fell over in my bed for the night. Heck, it's still going on because I'm having trouble getting this to post...
- Delanna
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
What Kind of Evil Gives a Three Hour Exam on a Saturday Morning?!
Well, besides Taj, nothing is that evil. Nothing. It is pure evil to give a three hour exam on a Saturday morning that starts at 8 o'clock sharp. It's almost like he enjoys torturing us. I hate mornings and taking tests first thing in the morning only make them like a thousand times worse. Right now, I should be preparing for this exam, but I physically can't. I just can't bring myself to do it. I study, but then I stop and procrastinate. After procrastinating, I study a bit, and then I break down and cry a bit because this exam is just depressing. If anything is to kill me, this exam will. I guarantee it. But, if by some miracle I survive it, I will probably spend the rest of the day crying over how horrid it was.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Witnessing a Clown Truck
Every morning, I drop my younger brother off in the CHS carpool line because my mother refuses to allow me to just kick him out and fend for himself while he walks to CHS even though he totally deserves it (I walked to CHS for years like a normal person, I didn't complain about it a lot,and I'm still alive). While doing this, I witness very strange things. Very strange things indeed. Today, I witnessed a clown truck. I kid you not when I say I saw at least eight guys climb out of a truck that should only fit like four or five tops. It was weird and caused me to be a bit late because they took fooooorever to get out, but it was kinda cool since it was a constant flow of people climbing out of this truck... It's weird that something like that would be mesmerizing.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Apparently I Was Accepted Into SVA
I got an email stating that I was accepted into SVA. I've never applied to the school, let alone heard of it before, so when I read it, I was in a state of major confusion. It's like I'm not that talented. Or am I? Am I so talented colleges that just randomly accept me with me applying? Haha, no. Turns out it was just a glitch, but it still shouldn't have happened. I've never been in contact with them or anything like that. They sent me an email saying it was a mistake, so now I know where I will definitely never apply...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sleep is a Very Important Thing
There isn't a person in this world who wouldn't agree that sleep is an important thing (at least everyone should agree). I love sleep. A lot. If, I didn't have to go to school, I would probably sleep the day away. I mean, people who know me well know that I will sleep whenever I'm not doing something or pretty much whenever I can. It's gotten really bad, I know, but I only get about five hours of sleep every night. Lately, I've been getting even less, so I've found myself falling asleep in class more than usual. For example, today I slept through part of Calculus (after Taj tried to assassinate me), all of Theology, the end of Physics, and soon all of English (mostly because I refuse to watch our class's TED talks). The real problem is the fact that I fall asleep and don't realize that I fell asleep until the bell rings. I don't intentionally fall asleep unless its meditation, but it happens anyway causing me to get in a lot of trouble for it.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Taj Literally Just Tried to Kill Me
I swear Taj just tried to murder me. I was innocently reading Calculus AP notes when I saw something narrowly miss me out of the corner of my eye. It was terrifying because when I say narrowly missed me, it literally barely brushed me. Turns out, it was Taj trying to throw a paper wad into the recycling bin. What made this "innocent" action like 100 times more suspicious was the fact that he said (and I quote), "Dang. I missed the slacker!" I don't know why he hates me so much (well, I kinda do because it probably involves the fact that I hate math and draw over all over my homework). Either way, why attack someone who is actually doing math related stuff for once?! Thanks a lot, Taj. I totally feel the love. Well, the hate.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Piccolo Problems
I have serious problems with the piccolo. Well, it's more accurate to say one piccolo in particular. The stupid thing just refuses to function, which is to be excepted since it is a plastic instrument (for the most part). I can't get a note out of it, and it's not because I can't play it. It actually does not work. I tried everything from fixing it myself to taking it to Zeagler's, but they claimed it worked perfectly fine (says the guy who also couldn't get a note out). I'm kinda freaked out about this because I have a solo involving the instrument on Sunday and only two rehearsals remain. That piccolo had better start working soon, or it'll be keeping me warm during the winter.
- Delanna

- Delanna
She Made Me Take It Off
I have this sweater that I wear every single day (except for maybe weekends where I will wear my showcase sweatshirt or something). Everyone who knows me has seen it (duh), but if you haven't, it's the navy blue uniform sweater. I have an obsession with it. I'm not really sure why or how it started, but nothing can make me take it off. Well, except for one person. My art teacher, Ms. Lane. She made me take it off in class because I was supposed to being doing pottery or something (mine turned out like a really lumpy, deformed lump of stuff because I've never done it before). I literally spent the whole class feeling, well, naked or under dressed. It was weird. I couldn't concentrate on anything because I kept looking back at it. When I was done cleaning and everything, I pretty much ripped off my smock and hugged my sweater after putting it back on (so I pretty much just looked like I was hugging myself, but in reality, I was hugging the sweater). Heat can't even make me take it off, but when Ms. Lane asked, I couldn't say no. She's just too nice. But, I refuse to ever take it off again if not by choice.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
When All You Have to Look Forward to at the End of the Day is a Nap
Well, this is actually not a bad thing. I love napping. Especially when I have a free period. The problem with this is the reason why I get a free period and a nap The reason for my nap (and soon to be misery) is the style show. It happens every year. All the FACS people get together and show off their clothes they made, and they even have some people perform and show off their talents. It's pretty much absolute torture for me. I usually sleep through them (or suffer silently if there is a teacher preventing me from sleeping), but lately, I find that it is very hard to sleep in a chair sitting up. I don't know why, but it's gotten to be pretty uncomfortable which is sad. Actually, just sitting in those chairs has become unbearable. I can't concentrate on anything in that gym. So, that means I only get a 45 minute nap outside instead of 90 minute or so nap. Which is very disappointing. I wish I could get my mom to check me out or something, but I have a science club meeting after school that I can't miss. Oh well. Someone please just put me out of my misery already.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, April 25, 2016
The Mad Rush for the Clown
I totally didn't realize that my art project was due today. Well, I kinda did, but I didn't really process it which would have totally helped. I've been working on that project in art class, and it was supposed to include a glass something. My glass something was three glass bottles being juggled by a slightly creepy clown (yes, normal people randomly choose clowns as the subjects of very important art projects, so don't judge me). I seriously just couldn't get into this project. I'm not 100% sure why, but I've been dragging this project out by like barely doing anything on it in class. When I got to school and realized that it was due today, I had like the entire right side of my clown left (or left if you go by the clowns directions and stuff), so I had to rush it. I barely finished during my lunch hour which is the hour right before my 7th hour art class. It didn't turn out so good in my opinion. I feel like I could have shaded it better and added some stuff, but whatever. I can't do anything about it now.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, April 24, 2016
A Slightly Homicidal Bouncy House
After CHS Prom yesterday (or was it today), I went to an after party at someone's house. In his backyard, there was a slightly homicidal bouncy house. You're probably wondering how in the heck a bouncy house could be homicidal. Well, let me assure you, bouncy houses can, in fact, be homicidal. Just ask this one. It was kinda old, so it made truly bouncing on it practically impossible. Also, every time someone fell over or bounced too hard, the bouncy house would swallow them and try to suffocate them. It was kinda funny until it wasn't. Since I was the smallest, I would get swallowed up a lot and pretty much had to be dragged out. Poor Wellesley went so deep that she wound up getting a mouth full of dirt and had to be dragged out by like three people. So, I rest my case. That bouncy house was homicidal. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was murdered by it and appeared on the news. I'm just happy to have made it out alive.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Adios Forever My Dear Friend
Today, my parents got tired of my inability to respond to their texts and/or calls, so they dragged me to AT&T and upgraded my phone to like an iPhone 6s (I think it is a 6s, but I actually have no bloody idea). I feel really bad about this. My little iPhone 4s has been with me for like four years now. We've been through everything together. Trips, parties, outings, other stuff... I can't just abandon it! Well, actually, I guess I can since it is currently sitting on my desk. Dead. I still feel horrible about this. Also, my new phone is extremely difficult to use. For example, I keep trying to turn it off or on from the top of the phone only to realize that the power button has moved to the side. It's like why?! It's literally a power button. Keep it in the same place! But, hey, it's not really my call, I guess. Not only that, but the thing is huge. Who has pockets that big?! It is literally the size of Delaney's face. Literally. I thought the whole point of creating new cellphones was originally for them to get smaller and easier to use, but whatever. At least I can call and text people now, so I guess I can't complain.
- Delanna

- Delanna
Friday, April 22, 2016
So What Are Your Plans for the Day?
So what are your plans for the day? It's the last thing I want to hear at 6:30 in the morning from my mom. Today's my day off for crying out loud!! Do I really have to have plans? Why can't I just roll around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around in my bed for a ridiculous amount of time? I mean, yes, I do have actual, legit plans for the day that don't involve a lot of rolling around, but do I seriously have to think of them so early in the morning? What's wrong with sleeping in until like 12:00 and then thinking about plans?! Bleh, I hate mornings.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, April 21, 2016
What I'm Really Thinking When I Look Deep in Thought
Apparently, I look like I'm deep in thought a lot. The funny thing is when people assume I'm thinking of some intelligent thing or some life changing whatever, but in reality, I'm not. Well, more like 99% of the time. I'll think about import things like 1% of the time. Maybe. For the most part, I'm usually thinking of weird things like this:
1. At a movie theater, which arm rest is yours?
2. When does it stop becoming partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
3. If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, is he or she guilty of resisting a rest?
4. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?
5. If God sneezes, what should you say?
6. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? Do I eat animal crackers?!
7. If man evolved from monkeys, how come we still have monkeys?
8. If a mime is arrested, do they tell him he has a right to talk?
9. If a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?
10. When Atheists go to court, do they have to swear on the bible?
11. Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn shop?
12. Is it legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as your following the direction of the traffic?
13. How can something be "new" and "improved"? If it's new, what was it improving on?
14. What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?
15. If glassblowers inhale, do they get a pane in the stomach?
16. Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
17. If a doctor suddenly had a heart attack while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?
18. Is a pessimist's blood type B-negative?
19. Why is it that when we "skate on thin ice", we can "get in hot water"?
20. If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
21. Why are the little Styrofoam pieces called peanuts?
22. If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
23. Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs when rabbits don't lay eggs?
24. Do Siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?
25. Why are they called "Jolly Ranchers"? Who said that the ranchers were jolly?
26. Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing?
27. Can a short person "talk down" to a taller person?
28. What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
29. Why is it that everyone driving faster than you considered an idiot, and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
30. Can you daydream at night?
31. Why do they call the little candy bars "fun sizes". Wouldn't it be more fun to eat a big one?
32. What is a picture of a thousand words worth?
33. Why does quicksand work slowly?
34. Can crop circles be square?
35. If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?
36. In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"?
37. Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
As you can see, my mind jumps around a lot. Especially when I'm just sitting there staring off into space in a boring class. Sometimes, I scare myself with what I think up. Either that, or I'll sometimes blow my own mind. I guess it really is a good thing no one can read my mind...
- Delanna
1. At a movie theater, which arm rest is yours?
2. When does it stop becoming partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
3. If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, is he or she guilty of resisting a rest?
4. If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?
5. If God sneezes, what should you say?
6. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? Do I eat animal crackers?!
7. If man evolved from monkeys, how come we still have monkeys?
8. If a mime is arrested, do they tell him he has a right to talk?
9. If a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile?
10. When Atheists go to court, do they have to swear on the bible?
11. Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn shop?
12. Is it legal to travel down a road in reverse, as long as your following the direction of the traffic?
13. How can something be "new" and "improved"? If it's new, what was it improving on?
14. What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?
15. If glassblowers inhale, do they get a pane in the stomach?
16. Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
17. If a doctor suddenly had a heart attack while doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?
18. Is a pessimist's blood type B-negative?
19. Why is it that when we "skate on thin ice", we can "get in hot water"?
20. If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
21. Why are the little Styrofoam pieces called peanuts?
22. If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
23. Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs when rabbits don't lay eggs?
24. Do Siamese twins pay for one ticket or two tickets when they go to movies and concerts?
25. Why are they called "Jolly Ranchers"? Who said that the ranchers were jolly?
26. Why does caregiver and caretaker mean the same thing?
27. Can a short person "talk down" to a taller person?
28. What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
29. Why is it that everyone driving faster than you considered an idiot, and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
30. Can you daydream at night?
31. Why do they call the little candy bars "fun sizes". Wouldn't it be more fun to eat a big one?
32. What is a picture of a thousand words worth?
33. Why does quicksand work slowly?
34. Can crop circles be square?
35. If ghosts can walk through walls and glide down stairs, why don't they fall through the floor?
36. In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"?
37. Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
As you can see, my mind jumps around a lot. Especially when I'm just sitting there staring off into space in a boring class. Sometimes, I scare myself with what I think up. Either that, or I'll sometimes blow my own mind. I guess it really is a good thing no one can read my mind...
- Delanna
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Marvel made a Disney comic book based on the ride Big Thunder Mountain called, well, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. I'm obsessed with it because the ride is so awesome, so the comic has to be awesome, too, right? It's common sense. The ride about Figment was awesome and so was the comic book, so this will obviously be the same way, too. Anyway, I've been dying to get it from the bookstore since the library doesn't have it, but they never have it at Barnes and Noble which is the only place I will buy books due to a certain membership card that I own. Instead, if I really want it, I have to order it online, but sheesh, the effort involved in ordering stuff online! Too much effort! It would be easier for everyone if the bookstore would just have it on the shelves when I go to look around.
- Delanna
Revenge Really Is a Dish Best Served Extremely Cold
So, yesterday, I got revenge on this person who has bothered me for quite some time now (and really, I mean like a looooong time). I won't say exactly what happened or who this person really is, but I'm like the worse human alive because what happened made me temporarily happy. And, then I felt super guilty about it, but don't worry because I stopped feeling guilty after like two seconds and was pretty much neutral after that. Anyway, I literally felt like Monokuma (this character from Danganronpa who I am obsessed with) because he always laughs maniacally about things, and I totally wanted to laugh maniacally over this (yes, I told you, I am the worst). I literally felt like this at first:

And finally turned into this:

And then became this:

Which turned into this:
And then this:

And of course this:

Which lead to this:
And maybe a little of this:

Which then turned into this:
And finally turned into this:
And that's when I calmed down. You probably couldn't tell on the outside how I was feeling, but this is what was going on inside my head pretty much. I'm so ashamed of myself. Worst person ever. Sitting right here typing this. I'm horrible. I apologize. Yep. I'm am horrible...
- Delanna
The Best Kind of Gummy
A couple of days ago, a friend gave me a late birthday present - two bags of gummies. I have to admit this was like the best thing ever. I love gummies as you already know since I've already talked about my gummy addiction. The best kind of gummies are, of course, gelatin-free gummies. But, what are the best of the best gummies? Obviously, it would be the mutated gummies. I don't know why, but I love them. The little gummy bears without heads. The life savers without holes. The ones that are awkwardly attached and have a weird mixed color. Does this make me weirder than what I already am? Who cares! I love mutated gummies! Maybe if I eat enough, I'll mutate, too, and gain super awesome gummy powers. Whatever those may be... I hope they are cool powers... Anything gummy related has to be cool, right...?
- Delanna
P.S. I'm not really sure why I added that last picture. Maybe it's because I have no pictures of mutated gummies. Or, maybe it's because I feel this way every time I eat an animal gummy. It's like going against my beliefs without actually eating an animal. I'm such a horrible human being. And an even worse vegetarian.
- Delanna
P.S. I'm not really sure why I added that last picture. Maybe it's because I have no pictures of mutated gummies. Or, maybe it's because I feel this way every time I eat an animal gummy. It's like going against my beliefs without actually eating an animal. I'm such a horrible human being. And an even worse vegetarian.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Another Sweatshirt Joins the Club
I have four sweatshirts from every year I've attended a showcase for band. While the color and the logo designs differs every year, they basically all look the same. Well, today, I went to State Festival for band, and they were selling sweatshirts that look pretty similar to my showcase ones. So, I bought one, and my collection has expanded to five sweatshirts!!! Yeah! I have an unhealthy obsession with my sweatshirts, I know...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
I Know I'm a Bit Insane
I know I'm a bit insane, but is the way I see things really that different from the way everyone else sees things? I thought the way I saw things was basically the same as everyone else's, but if one girl is to be believed, then I am apparently way off. To be entirely truthful, I really don't care anymore. Maybe I like sticking out in my own little way. Makes life a lot more interesting than following boring, ordinary people like that girl mentioned earlier, so I think I will stick with being myself no matter how many people think I should change for better or for worse or whatever.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Not Waving But Drowning
In English, we were reading this poem called "Not Waving But Drowning" which pretty much sums up my life. I have to say I like it a lot because it's so true, so I decided to post it here to share it with everyone who reads this thing (which is not a lot of people; maybe like three tops or something like that). Have fun figuring out the meaning if you weren't in my English class.
Not Waving But Drowning
By Stevie Smith
Not Waving But Drowning
By Stevie Smith
heard him, the dead man,
still he lay moaning:
was much further out than you thought
not waving but drowning.
chap, he always loved larking
now he's dead
must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
no no no, it was too cold always
the dead one lay moaning)
was much too far out all my life
not waving but drowning.
Isn't it beautiful? See why I love it? It's literally the best poem I've ever read, and that's saying something because I hate poetry.
- Delanna
Monday, April 18, 2016
Danganronpa: The Animation
Danganronpa: The Animation is literally my obsession (well, I do have a lot of obsessions, so I guess it would be more accurate to say one of my many obsessions or something along those lines). On Friday, volume one of the manga came out, so instead of going to a lame Challenge Day, I went to the bookstore and brought it (along with like ten other volumes of mange so bye-bye birthday money). I finished it in less than an hour because it is literally amazing, and I decided to then watch all 13 episodes over again for like the one hundredth time since I couldn't get enough of it (seriously, how can they possible expect me to wait until AUGUST 2ND for the next volume?!) I guess I should probably explain why I like this anime series so much. It's about 15 students, each one of the being the ultimate high school student in a different category, who are accepted in to Hope's Peak Academy. The name is ironic because it's actually a school of despair. The principal, a diabolical bear named Monokuma, refuses to allow any student to leave the school unless they graduate (meaning if you don't graduate, you're stuck living at the school forever), and the only way to graduate is to commit the prefect murder of another classmate and get away with it without being discovered. The students have to hold a trial after each murder to figure out who committed it. If they guess correctly, the guilty party receives "capital punishment" from Monokuma, but if the jury is incorrect, the jury receives "capital punishment" from Monokuma while the guilty party gets to graduate and leave Hope's Peak. Overall, it's a really cool anime not only because the mysteries are fun to solve, but it also deals with the shift between hope and despair. It's something that you find in everyday life just by looking at people, so it's interesting to see their take on it. Anyway, I'm probably droning on about something no one else really cares about, so I'll just list some characters and pictures and call it a day, deal?

- Delanna
P.S. I'm sorry for creeping you out with my weird obsessions. Especially my strange anime obsessions, but if you read all the way through, that's kinda your fault. So, I guess you can't hold me responsible for anything. Hahaha. Lose all hope all those who read this blog!! Saw what I did there?! The whole hope and despair thing from Oh, I'll just shut up for now...
Monokuma - "Principal"
Monokuma - "Principal"

Makoto Naegi - Ultimate Lucky Student/Ultimate Hope

Kyoko Kirigiri - Ultimate Detective

Byakuya Togami - Ultimate Affluent Progeny

Touko Fukawa/Genocider Shio - Ultimate Writing Prodigy/Ultimate Murderous Friend
Aoi Asahina - Ultimate Swimming Pro
Yasuhiro Hagakure - Ultimate

Sayaka Maizono - Ultimate Pop Sensation

Leon Kuwata - Ultimate Baseball Star
Chihiro Fujisaki - Ultimate Programmer

Mondo Owada - Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Ultimate Moral Compass
Celestia Ludenburg - Ultimate Gambler

Sakura Ogami - Ultimate Martial Artist

Junko Enoshima - Ultimate Fashionista/Ultimate Despair
Mukuro Ikusaba - Ultimate Soldier/Ultimate Despair
P.S. I'm sorry for creeping you out with my weird obsessions. Especially my strange anime obsessions, but if you read all the way through, that's kinda your fault. So, I guess you can't hold me responsible for anything. Hahaha. Lose all hope all those who read this blog!! Saw what I did there?! The whole hope and despair thing from Oh, I'll just shut up for now...
Sunday, April 17, 2016
A Certain Creepier Group in the Back
I'm not sure if anyone else noticed this besides me and Mark, but there was a creepy group of people who were clearly not attending the prom, clearly not teachers, and were clearly not workers. Towards the end of the prom, this group kept sneaking in one of the back doors and would take pictures of what was going on. If that wasn't creepy enough, the way they were dressed made it a lot worse. One of them was wearing a bright pink and blue kimono (traditional Japanese garment). One guy had super long hair and an even longer beard and was dressed in a long t-shirt and super short shorts. Another was wearing a super short dress, and I'm pretty sure it was a he who was wearing it. The list goes on, but those were the ones who stood out the most. They kept sneaking in, but every time I looked over at them, they would hurry up and leave. It was weird, and I feel like we should have told someone... But, I mean it all worked out in the end, and everything was fine...I guess...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, April 16, 2016
A Sketchy Magic Shop And One Invisibility Cloak
While in England, we visited Stratford-upon-Avon to see Shakespeare's birthplace and Anna Hathaway's house. After we toured both, we had a lot of free time, so Elise and I decided to visit a sketchy magic shop called Magic Alley & The Creaky Cauldran not too far from where we were supposed to meet up. The magic shop sold all kinds of things from Harry Potter related things to Sherlock related things (no idea why Sherlock stuff was being sold there especially since it isn't magic stuff...), so I decided to get a classic Sherlock Holmes puzzle book (not strange at all). While waiting in line to check-out, I was listening to the conversation between the girl in front of me and the cashier. The cashier was trying to get her to buy a box with a supposed invisibility cloak in it for £40. She kept asking him if the box really had an invisibility cloak in it, and he kept answering yes (of course he would). She stupidly questioned why she couldn't see or touch it (seriously, how dumb can you get), and he kept telling her that only true believers could see or touch it. She wound up buying it (which I couldn't believe). Though, I have to admit that I wanted to buy it. It was a pretty snazzy box. All purple and gold. It was totally the real deal. That box was definitely worth £40 without an alleged "invisibility cloak" in it.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, April 15, 2016
Is It Police Or PoLice?
Police cars always confused me as a child. The fact that it's spelled "PoLice" on the side of the car made me me think of "Po" and then "Lice" which then led little me to believe a whole lot of people named "Po" were running around with lice infestations. For the longest time, I would avoid cops like the plague because I didn't want their lice. Later, my parents finally got around to explaining how this "Po" with lice in his hair is really a law enforcer called a "police" officer, and they randomly capitalized the "L" to make the logo look cool. Because of this, I like the new police logo design because it doesn't have random capital letters in the middle of the word causing small children to believe that a large amount of people are running around with lice in their hair.
- Delanna
- Delanna
My English Teacher Wants a Bear Skin Rug
Yay! It's Challenge Day (not really; I literally hate Challenge Day). That fun day that pins an all-girl school against an all-boy school in a huge fight to the death (at least that's how I see it). You gotta love the violence that pops up during Challenge Day week (I think it's mostly the girls who are violent). For example, my English teacher was telling us how she wasn't going to be happy unless we crush the boys, bring back a bear skin rug to decorate her floor (and I have a feeling she doesn't actually mean a bear even though the boy's school mascot is a bear), place the head of the president on a silver platter, and take back the Challenge Day trophy. I dunno know about you, but that disturbed me. She needs to go to a mental institute because no one should get that into Challenge Day. EVER.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Happy Llama, Sad Llama
I have a thing about llamas. I think they are one of the most sophisticated animals of all time (after pigs of course). Just ask Jeffery. I'm always singing a llama song or two. It's usually this one:
Or this one:
Or maybe this one:
Here's a llama.
There's a llama.
And another little llama.
Fuzzy llama.
Funny llama.
Llama, llama, duck.
Llama, llama,
Cheesecake, llama,
Tablet, brick, potato, llama,
Llama, llama, mushroom, llama,
Llama, llama, duck.
I was once a tree house.
I lived in a cake,
But I never saw the way.
The orange slayed the rake.
I was only three years dead,
But it told a tale,
And now listen little child
To the safety rail.
Did you ever see a llama?
Kiss a llama?
On the llama?
Llama's llama,
Tastes of llama,
Llama, llama, duck.
Half a llama,
Twice a llama,
Not a llama.
Farmer, llama,
Llama in a car,
Alarm a llama,
Llama, duck.
Is that how it's told now?
It is oh so old?
Is it made of lemon juice?
Doorknob, ankle, cold.
Now my song is getting thin.
I've run out of luck.
Time for me to retire now
And become a duck (x6).
Soooo many llama songs, and I know more. But, you probably don't want to hear anymore (because you are not educated llama enthusiasts), so instead, I feel like boring you to death with awesome llama facts. So, I guess in reality, it won't be boring at all because awesome llama facts equals fun right? Yes. I am awesome at math. Anyway, llama facts:
1. Llamas are the South American relative of the camel even though they do not have humps.
2. There is a legend that the name "llama" came from the Spaniards who had never seen a llama before coming to South America. They kept asking "¿Cómo se llama?" causing the Incans to believe that was the Spanish name for the creature, but according to BBC, it's not true. I don't believe them.
3. Llamas are native to the South American Andes and weren't imported into the United States until the late 1800s for zoo displays.
4. Llamas are pack animals, but they can only carry 50 to 75 pounds for about 20 miles. If they feel overloaded, llamas will refuse to move, spit, hiss, and even kick their owners until their burden is lessened.
5. If one llama has a problem with another llama, it will stick its tongue out and spit at the other llama in order to show distaste.
6. Llamas usually have one baby llama, or crias. Twins are very rare for llamas.
7. Llamas can run up to speeds of 35 miles per hour.
8. Llamas are sometimes used to guard flocks from coyotes, dogs, and foxes.
9. Llama dung is extremely useful and makes very good fertilizer.
10. When a female llama and a male camel mate, they have a cama.
11. Llamas have three stomachs, or stomach chambers.
12. There is an entire font made out of llamas.
And, there you have it. Twelve awesome facts about llamas (can number twelve really be counted as a llama fact...?). As you can see, I love llamas, but I think my WHAP teacher, Mr. Barrios, may like them more (not really but just let him believe that). Gosh, I love llamas. Before I end this post, I am totally including some llama pictures, so you can see how totally adorable they are. :)
- Delanna
Happy llama,
Sad llama,
Mentally-retarded llama.
Super llama,
Drama llama,
Big, fat momma llama.
Or this one:
Happy llama,
Sad llama,
Totally rad llama.
Super llama,
Drama llama,
Big, fat momma llama.
Baby llama,
Crazy llama,
Don't forget Barack Ollama.
Fish, fish, more fish,
Or maybe this one:
Here's a llama.
There's a llama.
And another little llama.
Fuzzy llama.
Funny llama.
Llama, llama, duck.
Llama, llama,
Cheesecake, llama,
Tablet, brick, potato, llama,
Llama, llama, mushroom, llama,
Llama, llama, duck.
I was once a tree house.
I lived in a cake,
But I never saw the way.
The orange slayed the rake.
I was only three years dead,
But it told a tale,
And now listen little child
To the safety rail.
Did you ever see a llama?
Kiss a llama?
On the llama?
Llama's llama,
Tastes of llama,
Llama, llama, duck.
Half a llama,
Twice a llama,
Not a llama.
Farmer, llama,
Llama in a car,
Alarm a llama,
Llama, duck.
Is that how it's told now?
It is oh so old?
Is it made of lemon juice?
Doorknob, ankle, cold.
Now my song is getting thin.
I've run out of luck.
Time for me to retire now
And become a duck (x6).
Soooo many llama songs, and I know more. But, you probably don't want to hear anymore (because you are not educated llama enthusiasts), so instead, I feel like boring you to death with awesome llama facts. So, I guess in reality, it won't be boring at all because awesome llama facts equals fun right? Yes. I am awesome at math. Anyway, llama facts:
1. Llamas are the South American relative of the camel even though they do not have humps.
2. There is a legend that the name "llama" came from the Spaniards who had never seen a llama before coming to South America. They kept asking "¿Cómo se llama?" causing the Incans to believe that was the Spanish name for the creature, but according to BBC, it's not true. I don't believe them.
3. Llamas are native to the South American Andes and weren't imported into the United States until the late 1800s for zoo displays.
4. Llamas are pack animals, but they can only carry 50 to 75 pounds for about 20 miles. If they feel overloaded, llamas will refuse to move, spit, hiss, and even kick their owners until their burden is lessened.
5. If one llama has a problem with another llama, it will stick its tongue out and spit at the other llama in order to show distaste.
6. Llamas usually have one baby llama, or crias. Twins are very rare for llamas.
7. Llamas can run up to speeds of 35 miles per hour.
8. Llamas are sometimes used to guard flocks from coyotes, dogs, and foxes.
9. Llama dung is extremely useful and makes very good fertilizer.
10. When a female llama and a male camel mate, they have a cama.
11. Llamas have three stomachs, or stomach chambers.
12. There is an entire font made out of llamas.

And, there you have it. Twelve awesome facts about llamas (can number twelve really be counted as a llama fact...?). As you can see, I love llamas, but I think my WHAP teacher, Mr. Barrios, may like them more (not really but just let him believe that). Gosh, I love llamas. Before I end this post, I am totally including some llama pictures, so you can see how totally adorable they are. :)

- Delanna
I Think My Sister Has a Dryer Complex
Today, I walked in my kitchen after school to get a snack. I'm not kidding when I say I walked in on my sister creepily hugging the dryer. I mean it's one thing to hug the dryer and be like thanks for drying my clothes and walk off, but she sat there hugging it and looking at it like she wanted to go out with it. I was so scarred permanently by this scene that I had to slowly back out of the room. I swear this must mean she has a thing for dryers. A dryer complex of some sort. If it's not already a thing, it is now. I dunno what the poor dryer did to deserve it, or how she might find it attractive or whatever, but I can't look at that dryer anymore. That image is forever ingrained in my memory...
- Delanna
P.S. I guess I could see it if the dryer didn't rattle so much or make so much noise... But the kids! What about the kids? How will they raise them? Will they go to drying school instead of driving school? Is it even possible to have kids with a dryer?! Delaney, consider well. You also might want to look up and see if appliance marriage is legal in the state of Louisiana because if not, you'll have to move. Maybe Antarctica. I heard everything is legal over there. Well, maybe not everything. You might wind up being tried by an all-penguin court.
An Error Occurred. Please Try Again Later.
Have you ever tried to watch a very meaningful commercial on YouTube that's supposed to make you cry your eyes out, but stupid Youtube decides that an error is occurring at the exact moment two friends who hadn't seen each other in over 40 years start hugging?! Yeah, it happened to me in WHAP. We were watching that commercial for Google about the reunion of two friends who had been separated for many years. The moment they started hugging all meaningfully and stuff, YouTube decided to mess with us and go all error on us. It just made me cry harder over the whole thing. It was almost like YouTube was like you want closure to this sad/happy/beautiful story? Never! Bwahahahaha. And I died because it's like aw, they're hugging, but no, now it's an error. Boooo.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Let It Run Wild
Everyone should know by now that my dream job is in animation, and I would definitely want to work for Pixar. If this ever actually happens, there is this short that I've been dying to do called "Let it Run Wild." It would be kinda like the Pixar short, "Sanjay's Super Team" where it's based off a real life story, but it would be a bit exaggerated. I would tell you what it would be about and show you some concept art, but I don't want someone to see it and take it as their own because I would like to animate it. Duh.
- Delanna
P.S. I have other shorts that I want to do, but I don't feel like talking about them yet.
- Delanna
P.S. I have other shorts that I want to do, but I don't feel like talking about them yet.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Stupid Rain
I usually like rain because it can be very calming and relaxing. Well, today I hate rain mostly because I had to walk from the Main building to the Arts building which is like the longest trek you can take here. On a regular day, I barely make it on time to my theology class. On rainy days, I have the option of taking a different route, so I don't get wet. But it takes twice as long. I usually just suck it up and walk through the rain which I shouldn't have done today considering the fact that I'm carrying my art project with me. Now, I have one soaking wet project causing me to not be in the best of moods.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
It's Too Big to Eat! You Want Them When They're Smaller!
I have this one memory of the New Orleans Zoo that happened when I was about 13 or 14 (I guess). We were looking around at the alligator section. There was a foreign family there, too, and my dad started walking over to them leaving us to thinking stuff like oh my gosh what is he gonna do now. Anyway, my dad started talking to them about alligators and stuff. He said (and I quote), "You see that gator over there, right? That one's too big. You wanna get that smaller one. You see right there? Now, those are the perfect eatin' size! And, guess what? It'll taste like chicken! Can you believe that? Chicken! It's probably all them chickens they eat back home." And with that, the family ran off as quickly as possible and are probably scarred over this event to this day. I bet that they can't even look at alligators anymore. Poor family. I pity you for meeting my dad. He probably scared you off with his fake country accent and talk about eating gators. I apologize deeply family. Where ever you are.
- Delanna
P.S. Personally, I think they are too cute to eat. Also, my dad, who is standing over me watching me type this, says that this particular one in the picture is too big. You want something a lot smaller... And don't forget the spices when cooking it in order to add more of a chicken flavor...wait, why am I even bothering to type what he's saying?! I'm a bloody vegetarian for crying out loud! Disregard all of that because I'm too lazy to press the backspace and delete it. Forget you ever read it. In fact, I'll hit you over the head with a brick to make sure you forget it!
- Delanna
P.S. Personally, I think they are too cute to eat. Also, my dad, who is standing over me watching me type this, says that this particular one in the picture is too big. You want something a lot smaller... And don't forget the spices when cooking it in order to add more of a chicken flavor...wait, why am I even bothering to type what he's saying?! I'm a bloody vegetarian for crying out loud! Disregard all of that because I'm too lazy to press the backspace and delete it. Forget you ever read it. In fact, I'll hit you over the head with a brick to make sure you forget it!
Today in WHAP, we were learning about decolonization and nationalism when Zimbabwe came up in a John Green video. If you didn't know, Robert Mugaba, Ziambabwe's current dictator who has been in control since 1987, started off as a high school teacher. This makes me wonder how many of my own teachers have dictator ambitions, and how decent of a dictator they would be. I think out of all my current teachers, Taj would be the most likely to subjugate to the world by forcing them to math. A world, or even just a country, under Taj's rule is a scary thing. Especially for me since I hate math. More than anything. I guess I'll have to start subjugating stuff before any of my teachers (espeically Taj) gets a chance to.
- Delanna
- Delanna
If I Was an Anime Character, I Would Apparently be Mika
While in England, I was eating in a pub with my friends, Catherine and Elise, when Catherine asked us each a question. If Elise was an anime character, who would she be, and if Delanna was an anime character, who would she be? I had to think a while before I said that Elise was like Mine from Akame ga Kill, but Elise almost immediately answered Mika from Seraph of the End. At first, I didn't see it (because I find him super annoying the way he obsessed over Yu), but I guess I do now.
1. I'm blonde. He's blonde. I guess that's one thing, but we don't have the same eye color. I don't have red or blue eyes. Just green.
2. We share the same personality type. We both have a tendency to be quiet around people we don't know, but when we're around our friends and family, we both open up and can't really be turned off. I have a tendency to get super hyper around my friends and family I guess.

1. I'm blonde. He's blonde. I guess that's one thing, but we don't have the same eye color. I don't have red or blue eyes. Just green.
2. We share the same personality type. We both have a tendency to be quiet around people we don't know, but when we're around our friends and family, we both open up and can't really be turned off. I have a tendency to get super hyper around my friends and family I guess.

Even though I find Mika to be annoying some times (we don't share some of his qualities, thank God), I can see why Elise said I would be him if I was an anime character, but I think she is more like Mine than I am like Mika. I have to say the look on her face when I told her see would be Mine was priceless! I should have taken a picture... Bwahahaha.

- Delanna
Monday, April 11, 2016
Happy 100th Post I Guess
Its hard to believe it's been less than two months since I started this thing, and I'm already on my 100th post. It's so unbelievable since I hate writing. I thought I would get bored and quit after like ten posts, but I haven't so yay! I really hope I haven't been boring you guys to death with my ranting and random facts and everything, but I guess if you still insist on reading it today (or you are even reading this post), I must be doing an okay job which is good. I guess. :)
- Delanna
- Delanna
My Charger...
So, my laptop was about to die today when I got home, so naturally, you would charge it, right? Well, my stupid charger has been broken for quite some time (thanks family members who seem to enjoy breaking my stuff), but I'm too lazy to go to the help desk to see about getting a new one since I'M LITERALLY GOING TO GRADUATE IN LESS THAN A MONTH. There is literally no point, so I haven't - no, more like refuse - to fix it. So when my laptop needed to be charged this afternoon, I plugged it in, and it refused to charge. I started freaking out because it was at 10%, and I still have an entire paper to write. It eventually started working after I held it a certain way, but I still almost had a mini heart attack there. Please, charger. Never scare me like that again.
- Delanna
- Delanna
When Your Math Teacher Doesn't Think You Can Pass the AP Exam
I don't have and never will have an appreciation for math. Sorry to those who love it, but I hate it. There is waaaaaay too much structure and not enough room for creativity. Besides, while I understand it, I don't understand how I could possible use have of what I'm learning unless I went on to be a math teacher or some math creating person. It's just not me. I'm more of an artsy person (but I also despise English). So, when my math teacher sees me in the hall and is all like you better try and at least get a three, it really ticks me off. He has it in his head that because I don't have a love for math, I'll get a dash dash on the exam and ultimately ruin his already blemished record (like what about the other hundred or so students who failed?). Well, I hate to break it to you, Taj, but I'm not completely stupid. Nor do I intended to not try and fail the exam. So get off my back already!
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, April 10, 2016
When You Wonder Why People From Other Countries Have An Interest In Your Weird American Blog
I enjoy looking at the statistics of this blog because it shows you the countries where people who have read your blog live. Naturally, the United States is home to a majority of my readers (no surprise there since that's where I live and where my friends live) with 224. Next, is Germany with 6 viewers. Then, the United Kingdom is in third place with 4. Australia, Hong Kong, and India are all tied with 2 viewers each, and Costa Rica, Italy, South Korea, and Mexico are tied at one viewer each. This is pretty surprising and leaves me wondering why my blog is of any interest to them since they don't know me or anything. Maybe they just stumble upon it by accident and wind up scrambling for the backspace key because my blog is so scary to people who don't somewhat know me.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Physics Does Not Exist in My House
Everyone should know by now that my house has been under construction for quite some time now, so a lot of what we own is stashed away in boxes making it easier to move at any given time. As some of you who have had the honor of stepping foot into my house may know, there is a certain stack of boxes in my house that is constantly screwing with physics. The way it's stacked, you wouldn't think that it's possible for it to stay perfectly still without falling over or collapsing the boxes on the bottom, but it does and has been for over four years now. That's pretty intense. Not only that, but a lot of other things defy physics in my house. Another example would be most of my book stacks. Many of them are stacked in a similar way to our leaning tower of boxes, but they manage not to fall for the most part (I say for the most part because my siblings will bump my stacks some times, and I have to do some crazy acrobatics in order to save them from falling and getting bent up). Because of the fact that my house literally denies the existence of physics, should I really have to study the stupid subject when nothing around me seems to follow its laws?
- Delanna
8 Reasons Why You Should Watch ERASED
ERASED is one of my favorite animes of all time. It's basically one big murder mystery. The main character, Satoru, has the ability called Revival, which allows him to go back in time and fix some horrible tragedy. After the murder of his mother, he finds himself back in the year 1988 when one of his classmates was murdered. He spends the series trying to prevent the string of murders that claim several lives including his classmate's and figuring out who the murderer even is. I love the anime because it is full of action and has many twists and turns that leave you wondering what just happened. Here are 8 reasons why YOU should watch it, too:
1. It's one huge mystery of who did it, and who doesn't like mysteries? Besides, murder mysteries are always the best, and there is plenty of murders to solve in this anime. The way it was written makes it extremely hard for some to figure out the one behind it all, and it will definitely leave everyone surprised and wanting more by the end when you do find out. At least, I was left wanting more...
2. The main character has a strange, unusual ability/power. Maybe it's just the delusions of an anime-hooked fan, but every show is a thousand times better if the main character or even a side character has an epic power like Revival that allows them to travel back to the past.
3. It takes place in the past! Both in 2006 and 1988! You can kinda sorta relive your childhood by trying to remember what you were doing while some of the more current events are taking places, and you can experience a year you weren't alive for. How fun does that sound?!
4. It's pretty rare, or at least it is for me, to find an anime where the main character is a manga artist. I think that's pretty amazing even if he's pretty bad in the beginning because he lacks inspiration and creativity.
5. Many of the scenes take places in some really cool places. Whether it's under a bridge, in the snow, or on a mountain, the background is sure to wow you. If you have any sense, that is.
6. The heroes of the story are kids for the most part. While the beginning and the end takes place when the main character is an adult, a majority of the middle takes place when he and his friends are kids, and what's better than a whole bunch of kids saving the day and catching the bad guy by solving mysteries and what not?
7. It's a relatively short anime. It's only 12 episodes long, so those of you who claim you don't have time to sit down and watch an entire anime no longer have an excuse. Bwahahaha. You can literally sit down on a Saturday and watch the whole thing.
8. You should just watch because if you don't, I will destroy your mind and soul. Hahaha. Probably not, but you don't want to take any chances right? Nah, you should do it since it's the right thing to do because you will be a lot more educated and happy after watching this. Or something like that. Maybe I should go back to threatening just to get you to watch it...?
Hopefully by now, I have convinced you to watch this anime. If not, keep reading this until you feel convinced enough to watch it, or just go watch it regardless and convince yourself that you should watch that way. I'm probably not making any sense at this point, but I'm exhausted. Can you really blame me?
- Delanna
1. It's one huge mystery of who did it, and who doesn't like mysteries? Besides, murder mysteries are always the best, and there is plenty of murders to solve in this anime. The way it was written makes it extremely hard for some to figure out the one behind it all, and it will definitely leave everyone surprised and wanting more by the end when you do find out. At least, I was left wanting more...

2. The main character has a strange, unusual ability/power. Maybe it's just the delusions of an anime-hooked fan, but every show is a thousand times better if the main character or even a side character has an epic power like Revival that allows them to travel back to the past.

3. It takes place in the past! Both in 2006 and 1988! You can kinda sorta relive your childhood by trying to remember what you were doing while some of the more current events are taking places, and you can experience a year you weren't alive for. How fun does that sound?!
4. It's pretty rare, or at least it is for me, to find an anime where the main character is a manga artist. I think that's pretty amazing even if he's pretty bad in the beginning because he lacks inspiration and creativity.
5. Many of the scenes take places in some really cool places. Whether it's under a bridge, in the snow, or on a mountain, the background is sure to wow you. If you have any sense, that is.
6. The heroes of the story are kids for the most part. While the beginning and the end takes place when the main character is an adult, a majority of the middle takes place when he and his friends are kids, and what's better than a whole bunch of kids saving the day and catching the bad guy by solving mysteries and what not?

7. It's a relatively short anime. It's only 12 episodes long, so those of you who claim you don't have time to sit down and watch an entire anime no longer have an excuse. Bwahahaha. You can literally sit down on a Saturday and watch the whole thing.
8. You should just watch because if you don't, I will destroy your mind and soul. Hahaha. Probably not, but you don't want to take any chances right? Nah, you should do it since it's the right thing to do because you will be a lot more educated and happy after watching this. Or something like that. Maybe I should go back to threatening just to get you to watch it...?

Hopefully by now, I have convinced you to watch this anime. If not, keep reading this until you feel convinced enough to watch it, or just go watch it regardless and convince yourself that you should watch that way. I'm probably not making any sense at this point, but I'm exhausted. Can you really blame me?
- Delanna
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