Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Best and the Worst Day Ever (Yes, It's Possible)

Do you ever have one of those days where it starts out as one of the best days of your life but becomes the worst day of your life by the end of the day? Well, today was one of those days. It started out great. I mean, I did wind up having to wake up early, but that didn't really faze me like it usually does because I finally got my laptop. A beautiful HP laptop. It's true love at first sight. I'm literally obsessed with it. Good times, right? Well, it only went down hill from that because I did something I never thought I would actually have to do. Apparently, my grandmother wasn't doing too well this morning, and my grandfather is literally incompetent and can't even take care of himself. Let alone another person. Because an electrician was coming to work on our house, my mom couldn't leave, so I went to watch my grandmother in her place. As the morning went on, it was pretty clear she wasn't doing to well. In fact, we couldn't get to fully regain conciseness which was a bit scary. My grandfather refused to call anyone until he was 100% sure that there was something wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there is something wrong with a person who can't wake up all the way and keeps muttering about hallucinations. Because he refused to call anyone, I wound up calling 911. It's literally something that you know you are probably going to have to do as you get older, but it's also something that you don't think you'll actually have to do. Especially not at my age if that makes any sense. It's a miracle an ambulance ever reaches a house because the guy who answered treated me like a hysterical child. He kept repeating the wrong address that I kept having to repeat to him. I got pretty fed up towards the end. Especially when he told me to calm down because everything would not be okay. Everything's not okay because idiots like you answer the phone. I wound up staying in the hospital for most of the day as my grandmother went through all kinds of examinations. It turns out she has a large amount of CO2 that her body is having trouble getting rid of. One doctor says she only has until tomorrow to live. Another says she'll make. I have no idea who to believe.

- Delanna

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