Friday, June 17, 2016

Easter Eggs in Finding Dory (That I Currently Know About)

I finally got to see Finding Dory, and boy, it was amazing!!! The short before-hand, Piper, was beautiful. So beautiful, I almost cried. Actually, I DID CRY. I'm going to have to see it over and over again. Like usual, I looked for Easter eggs and everything, and this is what I found so far. I'll keep updating this post as I see it again and again (I plan on seeing it a lot, so contact me if you haven't seen it yet and want someone to go with you because I will totally go), so keeping checking it! Also, if you find anything that I haven't please tell me, and I'll add it.

1. First up, it's A113! You can find it in two different locations (that I know of). This first is on the tags of the sea lions, Fluke and Rudder. Fluke's reads A1, and Rudder's reads 13. The second place is on the back of the truck going to Cleveland. It reads CALA113. Clever, right? Since CalArts is located there? Nooooo...? Maybe it's just me.

2. Next up is the Pizza Planet truck, another classic Easter egg. The truck's first appearance is under water when Dory, Marlin, and Nemo are swimming in squid territory. It happens fast, so if you blink you'll miss it. The second time you can see it is one the freeway when the truck going to Cleveland is driving away from the institute. You can spot it several times on the freeway, so it's okay if you miss it the first time it appears on the freeway.

3. The boat that picks Dory up toward the beginning of the movie has some very meaningful numbers on the side, 1200 and 86. 1200 represents the address of Pixar, which is 1200 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA. 86 comes from the year Pixar was purchased by Steve Jobs and became its own animation company (1986 for those of you with no common sense).

4. Here's another interesting number reference. Ever heard of Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage in Disneyland? Well, on this pipe, you'll find "TL59" written on the side. Tomorrowland is the location of this popular attraction, and the 59 represents the year it first opened (back in 1959, Finding Nemo hadn't even been though of yet, so it was just the Submarine Voyage). Neat, right?

5. It wouldn't be a Finding Nemo sequel if she didn't make an appearance, right? When Dory first gets tossed into a tank in Quarantine, look on the wall behind the tank. You can see Darla's picture hanging up. Weird place for a fish killer to be lurking, but that's irony for ya.

6. Remember Piper from the short before the movie? Yep, she's not done yet. You can find an adorable poster of her hanging up the wall when Hank plops Dory into the coffee pot.

7. Speaking of shorts, remember Lava, the short about a volcano falling in love that played before Inside Out? Well, you can see a tiny magnet with the movie poster on it in Quarantine located on a metal drawer when Hank is talking with Dory. The only difference between the magnet and the movie poster is that Lava is replaced with Uku, the person who performed the song used in the short.

8. Ever wondered why you never see an Easter egg about Wall-E? Well, that's a thing of the past. If you look closely at a calendar on the wall when Hank is about to drop Dory into an exhibit, you can see that the calendar reads Wall-E. It may not be the actual, lovable robot, but it's kinda close enough. Maybe? Not really. I want a full Wall-E appearance in a movie (that's not Wall-E).

9. Another amazing Easter egg is the Luxo ball, right? Well, you can spy the actual ball in the Kids Zone when Hank is expressing his fear of being poked. It happens pretty fast, so at least try not to blink too much during that entire scene. You can also find the star design found on the ball itself on the steering wheel inside the truck bound for Cleveland.

10. I bet you didn't know that Nemo is voiced by a different person this time around. Well, the person who originally voiced Nemo is a bit too old to do it now (seeing as he is now about 22 years of age), so they got a fresh new face to voice the part. Don't worry, though, the original Nemo makes an appearance in Finding Dory as one of the drivers of the truck heading to Cleveland (if you can't figure it out, he's the one who's concerned about being fired).

11. We all know and easily recognize John Ratzenberger's voice. Or you should (if you can't, well, dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, and dishonor on your cow). I guess it doesn't really matter whether or not you can recognize his voice since it has been slightly turned up in pitch for this movie. If you haven't found him yet, he's Bill, the crab who's cutting his lawn.

12. I'm not sure if this counts or not as an Easter egg per say, but Nemo's tank pals from Finding Nemo make an appearance at the end where they are ironically recaptured, so make sure to stay until the end because you won't want to miss this.

- Delanna

P.S. I feel like the Volkswagon that keeps showing up under water is important, too, but then again it might just be me since I own one and am probably biased towards them.

See? Doesn't it look important? Why else would there be a random Volkswagon under water? Unless, maybe it's foreshadowing my future career at Pixar?! Hahaha. Who knows?

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