Monday, June 13, 2016

Finally! Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Is Mine! BWAHAHAHA!

You have to understand. I have literally been dying to get this book ever since it was released, but I could never find it at any of the stores (I prefer to avoid online shopping at any costs because I get things much faster if I just go to the bloody store). I had orientation at LSU (not that I'm actually going or anything because I'm still unsure even though I should be sure by this point), and I was super bored and drained after three hours worth of testing that I should have done a while ago. In order to conquer my boredom, I walked to the Barnes and Noble on campus where I discovered TWO copies of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad sitting on the shelf, so I bought one and almost immediately finished it after buying it. It's super amazing. So much so that everyone should read it. I am super happy that I am its new, proud owner! Haha, I'm pretty pathetic, aren't I? But, who cares? I'm in love with this book (that's how amazing it is).

- Delanna

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