Sunday, June 12, 2016

Movie Theaters Are the Very Definition of Evil

Have you people seen the new luxury loungers at the Cinemark at Perkins Rowe?! Those things are evil. Literally evil. First, who wants to reserve a seat beforehand? It destroys the fun of scrambling around frantic while trying to find the remaining seats. Now, I know exactly where I sit before I even walk into the theater which is just boring. Another thing is that the seats themselves favor taller people. Short people like me? We just get lost in the stupid chair. At least I do. My head falls where the chair sticks out to support the neck, so sitting there for two to three hours is one of the most painful experiences I've ever had. I miss the old seats. The ones that had popcorn in the cushions, soft drink stairs on the backs, and God only knows what underneath them. It was like a treasure chest full of surprises that you didn't necessarily want to know about, and that's what made them so much fun. Without them, it just doesn't feel the same, and it probably will never feel like a true movie theater again.

- Delanna

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