Saturday, June 11, 2016

Why Won't It Turn Blue Already?!

There are some days that I hate having blonde hair, and no, it's not because of the dumb blonde jokes. It's because blonde is yellowish, right? And, my favorite color is blue. Obviously. Blue added to yellow makes green which means no matter how many times I dye my hair without bleaching it first, I will always wind up with green hair. Heck, I can't even call the color of my hair green. It's more of a teal color. It's actually depressing. I've been experimenting for years now trying to turn my hair blue, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I guess if I gave in and used bleach, I might be able to get what I want, but that's never gonna happen. I hate bleach. What a horrible substance.

- Delanna

P.S. This literally the only dumb blonde joke that I know. How do you kill a dumb blonde? You put a scratch-and-sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool. HAHAHAHA. No. Not funny at all. Who finds these stupid things funny anyway?!

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