Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Bigger Jungle Gym Vs. the Smaller Jungle Gym - How the Smaller One Really Won

So, the small children in my group were using me as a jungle gym (again). This time we were outside doing "outdoor activities" (worst idea ever). Devin's mom works it every year, and Devin (a.k.a. my archenemy) usually shows up, too, but this year, he kinda stopped coming. Probably because he thinks he's too cool to volunteer for VBS and work with kids any more. Well, he wound up showing up just to build and continuously launch a rocket for children which leads me to believe he was coerced into coming by his mom. Anyway, while the small children were climbing on me, Devin walked up and told them that I wasn't suited for climbing because I wasn't tall enough. He claimed that he was a much better jungle gym because he is much taller. I know he was trying to insult my height like usual, but the joke was on him because the kids immediately started to climb on him. And not me. So, in a way, I won. Not him. Bwahahaha. I'm so petty about these things, but who cares? That's one more mark in my win column and one more mark in his utter defeat column.

- Delanna

P.S. Every time one of his rockets broke, Devin would lean over the rocket while holding the launch button. Is it sad that I wanted him to accidentally press it and launch a rocket into his face?

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