Thursday, June 23, 2016

I Have Never Regretted Something This Much in My Life

Do you ever get talked into something and then immediately regret it? Well, my parents talked me into allowing my grandparents to purchase me a laptop as a graduation gift. And, now I'm seriously regretting it. Huge mistake. I swear this might be the worst mistake I've ever made in my life. They won't stop talking about the price or about how this is going to cause them to go into debt. If it bothers them that much, I can easily afford it myself. But, noooooo. They're doing it for me and will hold this over me for the rest of my life. Here's a piece of advice from me to you. In the future, purchase your own laptop. Or anything that may be super expensive. It may sound nice to save money, but in the end, you only wind up paying twice as much in trouble.

- Delanna

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