Friday, June 10, 2016

Yes, Child, Eat the Rose Petals Because That's Totally Healthy

Last day! Officially conquered! Finally! It's a huge relief especially considering how to day went. It all started with the roses and the storyteller. It was terrible. You would never think those things could ever lead to something so horrible, but they can. I mean, seriously, what kind of storyteller uses roses (with the over sized thorns) as a prop and then gives them to small children?! After messing around with the roses, the kids started EATING them to "destroy the pretty little things" (their words, NOT mine). I don't mind if they randomly start wanting to eat flowers from who knows where, but I would prefer it if they would at least wash them off first. But, no, apparently they taste better unwashed. Chemicals and everything else that may be on it included... Also, I feel like swallowing thorns is a bit unsafe, but apparently, in the eyes of the kids, it's perfectly safe. The parents had better not blame me if their kid chokes or slices their throat open or gets indigestion from whatever chemicals may have been on that stupid plant. I can only do so much. It's their responsibility to teach their kids what to eat and what not to eat. At least, that's my philosophy. Clearly, I will never be fit to be a parent.

- Delanna

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