Monday, June 20, 2016

Guess I'll Wait Another 50 Years Or So To Be Dissappointed Again

Tonight, the rare and elusive Strawberry Moon was supposed to make its first appearance on a summer solstice since June of 1967 (or something like that). It's supposed to be some beautiful amber colored full moon that's supposed to look amazing. I wouldn't know though because when my mom dragged me out at the right time to see it, it looked like a regular old full moon to me. I didn't even see a hint of red or amber or any unusual color. It was quite disappointing. I guess I could wait 50ish years to see it again during the summer solstices in June 2062, but I have a distinct feeling that I will only be disappointed once again. I'll have to try seeing one of these moons while I wait. I found this nice little chart of the ones occurring this year. I know I've missed some already, but there's one coming up in July. Maybe that one won't be such a let down...

DateNameU.S. EastUTC
Jan. 23Wolf Moon8:46 p.m.01:46 (1/24)
Feb. 22Snow Moon1:20 p.m.18:20
Mar. 23Worm Moon8:01 a.m.12:01
Apr. 22Pink Moon1:24 a.m.05:24
May 21Flower Moon5:15 p.m.21:15
June 20Strawberry Moon7:02 a.m.11:02
July 19Buck Moon6:57 p.m.22:57
Aug. 18Sturgeon Moon5:27 a.m.09:27
Sept. 16Harvest Moon3:05 p.m.19:05
Oct. 16Hunter's Moon12:23 a.m.04:23
Nov. 14Beaver Moon8:52 a.m.13:52
Dec. 13Cold Moon7:05 p.m.00:05 (12/14)

I wonder how some of these got their names. This Sturgeon Moon sounds the most interesting. I'll definitely have to check it out. Apparently, the Sturgeon Moon got its name from the Native Americans who knew that this time of year was the best time to catch the Sturgeons in the Great Lakes. Also, it's supposed to coincide with a meteor shower this year. i think. I'm definitely marking my calendar for it. Sounds cool. I just hope it doesn't turn out like the Strawberry Moon.  

Apparently, this is what I should've seen but didn't. In a way, it does look like a super, big strawberry in the sky. Pretty cool. Too bad I didn't see it this time. Oh well. Maybe next time.

- Delanna

P.S. This is post #200! Yay! Clearly, I rant waaaay too much and have waaaay too much time on my hands, but thanks for sticking with me this long! Love y'all! :)

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