Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm Too Young to be a Jungle Gym

You've all heard people be all like, "I'm too young to die!!!" while being all overly dramatic about it and stuff, right? Well, I'm too young to be a jungle gym (imagine dramatic hand waving and stuff). I'm not at that age where I'm firm (?) enough to climb or tall enough to be a suitable jungle gym thing (which is never gonna happen). Besides, apparently, I have back issues. I discovered this when my back made this weird cracking sound while a little girl was hanging off me, and I wound up wanting to roll around in pain. This might actually be because I'm getting older, but being too young for something is much cooler than being too old for something. So, I'm much too young to have small children hanging and climbing on me. At the rate the kids in my group are climbing me, I'll be dead by the end of the week from a broken back or something (I'm special, so something like that could probably kill me). Fun.

- Delanna

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