Sunday, June 5, 2016

Two Terrifying Things That Make Me Teffied to Drive

Recently, I came across two of the most terrifying things that definitely make me rethink getting into my own car or even going on the road. As everyone who knows me should already be aware of, I drive a red Volkswagen Beetlebug named Emi (yes, I named my bloody car, so deal with it because it's not weird at all). It's pretty much my dream car (besides the color because I totally would have preferred blue), but after seeing this picture, I think I'll stick with another brand of car...

Yep, that's right. It's a Volkswagen that looks like a spider. There is no way I would every step foot near it, let alone in it. I'm not sure how I would even drive it to begin with if I ever managed to get the courage to actually go inside of it in the first place. Let's just hope I never go outside to see my car looking like this. I might actually die on the spot...

The next terrifying thing makes me scared to just go on the road in fear of seeing this. Some people have the most twisted ideas of cool. I know people probably think the same thing about me, but still, seriously...?

A bloody banana?! Is this really necessary?! Doesn't the owner realize that there are some people out there that are terrified of bananas due to childhood scarring involving bananas? Some people have no consideration for those around them. If someone was driving that behind me, forget speed limit laws and all of that. I would hit at least one hundred miles per hour trying to get away.

- Delanna

P.S. I saw this Volkswagen, too, which gives me a bit more hope for cars everywhere. Too bad my car isn't pink. I wouldn't mind walking out my house and discovering my car looking a bit like this. Could I even pull off a red pig car? I think I could. 

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