Monday, June 13, 2016

The Legend of the Lost Tomatoes (That Are More Rotten Than Lost)

The title makes no sense whatsoever. Sorry. It's like a mishmash of everything of importance that happened to me today. I kept getting lost. And, my grandmother called to inform me that she had two more baskets full of cherry tomatoes. Joy. The two things I love the most: getting lost and rotten tomatoes from my grandmother. Trust me. The tomatoes are not lost. Unfortunately, I know exactly where they are. They are currently festering in my fridge. Well, today, I had orientation (as you should already know if you bothered to read my earlier post). They supposedly showed us around, but I kept getting lost. Plus, it was like 100 degrees outside which made wandering around aimlessly trying to find the testing room 100 times worse. To make matters worse, the second I was "released" from orientation, I rushed to my car ready to go home and curl up in bed, but I had to go pick up rotten tomatoes from my grandmother before I could even think about heading home. After about five lectures (most of which involved me dying young during college from things varying from frost bite to accidental amputation), I was finally allowed to go home. Where I collapsed in my bed. Now, I barely have the energy to post this. Let alone make sense. So, I apologize to you, the reader, for having to read this...whatever it is... post thingy. GOOD NIGHT.

- Delanna

P.S. I honestly can't believe that I have another day full of this tomorrow. :'(

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