Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Incident Involving Dr. Pepper

It's rather hard to turn Dr. Pepper into a dangerous weapon that's likely to take someone's head off. Or so I thought. Apparently, I have never been more wrong in my life because Delaney managed to turn a bottle of Dr. Pepper into a dangerous projectile that nearly took my head off. I was super thirsty today, so I was going to get a glass of Dr. Pepper. Delaney decided to be nice to me for once (yes, miracles do happen) and was going to bring the bottle to me. Except, that's not what actually happened. While on her way from the fridge to me, she dropped the bottle, and upon impact with the ground, it immediately exploded and started flying around. Just to be clear, she didn't shake it or jostle it or anything that might have caused it to explode in the way that it did. It just happened, and we still aren't sure how it happened. Anyway, at one point, the bottle came shooting at me, and if I had not ducked when I did, I swear I would've lost my head. In the end, an entire bottle's worth of Dr. Pepper covered the floor, and we were stuck cleaning it up. Which wasn't fun. While trying to move around to clean the stuff up, I was literally sliding around on Dr. Pepper. I guess it was fun. In a sticky sort of way. At least it was until I slid into a wall and got a large welt on my head. The moral of this story is never drink Dr. Pepper. Not only is it bad for your health, it is apparently very easy to use as dangerous weapon, and it's super hard to scrub off the floor.

(Evil projectile in question)

- Delanna 

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