Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Bountiful Glue of Vegetarianopia

I was stuck scrapping our kitchen floor. Again. I can't begin to tell you how much fun it is (lies) or how great it feels (sarcasm). It's actually the most boring thing in existence (for now because I'm sure the next time I get bored, that'll become the most boring thing I've ever experienced). It was so bad that I named a blotch of glue that had been separated from the rest of the glue Vegetarianopia. I came up with a national flag (it's blue with lots of veggies), a national animal (pig), a national color (blue), an anthem (sung in the language of the veggies), a constitution (for the people, the animals, and the veggies of Vegetarianopia), and everything. I proclaimed myself the totalitarian dictator and led my little island nation with an iron (but benevolent) fist. Everything was going fine until Kylle's island of the United Kingdom of Meat declared war and wiped my island of the floor map. With my nation decimated during the time it took me to get a snack, I naturally took revenge for my island and wiped Kylle's so-called "democracy" of the face of the floor forever while he took the trash out. With no countries left to rule and nothing left for us to live for, Kylle and I declared a temporary truce and retired to the cooler part of our house where we watched MeTV for the rest of the afternoon and completely neglected our work (sorry, Mom, but we did eventually finish the whole thing...). Clearly, we don't have a life (or at least on that is a little bit interesting)...

- Delanna

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