Thursday, June 23, 2016

Don't You Just Love Other Drivers?!

Ya gotta love other drivers. Especially when they do something funny. I was just innocently driving along (yes, I'm innocent), when the lady driving behind me suddenly swerved into the other lane and began speeding to pass me. As she passed me, she frantically (and maybe angrily?) gave me a double thumbs up that she kept waving around like a maniac until she completely passed me. I'm not exactly sure whether she was complimenting my driving or telling me to go to hell in some weird, foreign way (and, yes, I'm positive it wasn't the middle finger she was waving around at me). Either way, both the look on her face and what she was doing was so hilarious that Kylle and I laughed at her the entire time we watched her do this. We almost DIED from laughter because it was so freaking funny. Which made driving and staying on the road a bit hard. It was bad. Now, you might be thinking that I, well, maybe deserved it because I was driving slowly or stopping too much or something around those lines that might annoy another driver driving behind me, right? Well, I can assure you that I did nothing of the sort. I definitely wasn't driving slowly (but neither was I driving over the speed limit, of course). I also was NOT continuously applying my brakes. And, I can't really think of anything else that I did to annoy another driver. So, conclusion: I have no idea what was wrong with this lady or what she might have been high on.

- Delanna

P.S. If the lady who gave me the double thumbs up is reading this, could you please tell me why? Why would you do this to me? Also, I would like to thank you for making my day even if you where trying to curse me out or something. Seriously, up until that moment, my day was kinda blah, ya know? And, after that it was more of a whooooo kinda day, ya see. :)

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