Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Delanna in Lostland

I got lost. Again. College campuses should not be this big. And, if they must insist on being this big, they should have better maps that have every building labeled on them and not just the popular ones. After listening to at least 20 different lectures ranging from useless to never gonna need, everyone was expected to sign up for their classes. Most incoming freshmen, who where wise enough not enter a senior college during their first year, got shown to different rooms where they got to figure out their courses which a counselor. If I attend this college, I stupidly decided to go into art and design, which involves me going into the senior college my freshman year. Since there weren't enough orientation leaders to go around, I was "kindly" told where to go without directions. I wandered around with like one other person who was stupid enough to make the same choice that I did for like a good twenty minutes until we miraculously stumbled upon the building we were supposed to be at. After climbing the stairs and looking on every floor (the elevators were out of order, and the leader conveniently forgot to tell us what floor the counselor's office was), we found it on the fourth floor. It only took an hour to actually schedule (literally nothing was working). Once I was done, I was allowed to leave for the day. I wound up going through a different door than the one I came in and got lost even more. It was so bad that I called my dad who knows the campus relatively well (he graduated from this college), but he only made it worse by having my take the longest way possible. At the time, I didn't know, so I collapsed with relief in my car and left. It was only until I got home that I found that I could've taken a shorter route that would've taken about five minutes instead of the twenty minutes I wasted on my dad's path. Needless to say, both my mom and I chewed him out when he got home from work. His defense was that he wanted me to take the more "scenic" route, but I don't believe that for a second. Do you? Oh well, at least it's finally all over.

- Delanna

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