Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day, Nana

It's sad when your mom sends you off to go wish your grandmother a happy Fathers' Day instead of your grandfather. Pretty confusing, right? Since she was unable to go herself, she made sure to drill it in our heads to wish our grandmother a happy Fathers' Day first instead of our grandfather because she was always more of a father figure than my actually grandfather was to her. Apparently it's a tradition. Still confused? So are we. But, whatever. We did as we were told. HAPPY FATHERS' DAY, NANA! With love from your above (?) average grandchildren, Delanna, Kylle, and Delaney (please don't hate us, Papa, because we're only blindly following orders and are still completely confused). :)

- Delanna

P.S. This makes no sense, right? I never make sense. I guess I get it from me ol' mum (insert fake British accent here in "honour" of my mother). She doesn't make sense either. Actually, no one in my family makes any sense whatsoever. :)

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