Monday, June 20, 2016

It's Sad When You Know More About the Models a Model Store is Selling Than the Geeks Who Are Running It

My mom kicked Kylle and me out of the house today. Her "excuse" for giving us the boot was that we needed to spend more time with each other. In reality, she just wanted us out of the house so she could have some peace and quiet. I guess we where getting a bit rowdy (but what do except from us after eleven games of UNO and five games of Parcheesi without Delaney to act as a mediator?). I let Kylle choose where we would go first (mostly because I was planning on dragging him to the one place he hates above everything else - the mall), and he chose to go to Hobby Town of all places. I hate Hobby Town. It's like a graveyard for model geeks. I say graveyard mostly because it's quiet enough to be consider "haunted movie" level creepy, and it even comes with its own grave tenders who yell at you if you so much as look at a model funny. Actually, the whole graveyard for geeks thing only makes sense in my mind since I'm not explaining it like I should, so just disregard all of that. Anyway, Kylle is obsessed with the store because of the old car models. Boooooring. The only good thing about this store is its selection of World War II planes and navy ships. I mean, come on!!! They have a model of the USS Kidd and the HMS Hood! In beautiful condition. Sorry, I'm a totally geek when it comes to planes and naval ships. Especially destroyers. I love me some destroyers. I've toured a lot of naval ships in my time. Maybe I'll talk about it one day. I guess my love for these things stems from my dad and my time working on the USS Kidd. Anyway, not the point. The point is there was a Fokker triplane hanging from the ceiling in this store. I love Fokkers. If I had to pick a favorite World War I plane (or any plane for that matter), it would be a Fokker. What upset me so much about the Fokker hanging from the ceiling was the fact the whoever had put it together did a horrid job on the landing gear. I mean the placement was all wrong. I must have been staring a lot at the mistake because one of the employees came up and asked if I wanted the model set for it. Well, yes, of course I do, but no, there's no way I can afford it! Instead, I told him why I was looking at it. To put it simply, the person who put it together disgraced the very existence of Fokkers everywhere with his shoddy landing gear work. The employee tried to politely tell me that I was, in fact, incorrect. There was no way that I could be right because there was no way they would allow for an incorrect model to be hanging up on the ceiling for all to see. It's because I'm a girl, right? Because I'm a girl, I can't be into planes and such, can I? What a horrible assumption to make. Of course, I immediately pulled out my phone, showed him a picture of a real one, and made him eat his words. Bwahahaha. He then got a ladder and took it down. With any hope, they are currently fixing their horrid mistake as I type this up. I'm usually not like this. In fact, I kinda feel bad about this whole thing, but then again, not really. I rarely approach people and voice my opinion on anything (trust me, if I did, marching band would've been a living hell for everyone in my section because I'm not particularly nice or good at holding myself back when I finally voice my true opinion on anything). This was a once in a blue moon type thing and probably won't happen again for sometime. I usually don't let myself go like this, but the perfection of a model of a truly beautiful plane was on the line. I couldn't allow for such an atrocity to continue hanging for everyone to see, so no, I have no regrets.

- Delanna

P.S. I included a picture of it above so you can enjoy its beauty for yourself. Everyone should own a Fokker. I actually want a Fokker. Not that I would actually fly in it. I'm terrified of flying, but that's only commercial flying. I don't mind so much when my dad flies though...

P.P.S. Here are some interesting fun facts about the Fokker: 1). It's Germany's most famous aircraft during World War I; 2). It was Germany's response to the British Sopwith (another beautiful airplane that you should totally research); and 3). The Red Baron was famous for flying a Fokker; it's the plane that Snoopy (from Charlie Brown) is always chasing in his doghouse (a.k.a. a Sopwith Camel). Did I just blow your mind or what?! That right there is only a small part of what makes a Fokker so amazing.

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