Friday, June 24, 2016

I Wanna Transfer to the Home of the Mad Dog, Middleton High School

Let's all get real for a moment. Kim Possible is one of the best animated shows from our childhood (well, the childhood of those who are around the same age as me, so sorry to those of you who are older or too young to know what I'm talking about). Who didn't love Rufus with his Naked Mole Rap? Or every time one of Dr. Drakken's machines self-destructed? There are so many amazing things that make up this one show, but one of the most memorable things for me, was Kim and Ron's school, Middleton High School. Literally, I wanna transfer there. Even though I just graduated from high school. Middleton is clearly a thousand times better than the place I just got out of, and the signs alone are proof enough of that. Clearly, it is a school that values sarcasm and individuality (unlike my old, stuck-up school), has actual, edible food (unlike the stuff you received at my old school that was hard to distinguish whether it was even of this world or not), care about current issues (such as the growing population of mutated cockroaches and does not try to hid infestations like my old school did when a staircase was infested with black widow spiders), and appreciates puns no matter how bad they are. Here are some of my personal favorite signs that prove how amazing Middleton is for your enjoyment. Let's relive the days of our youth while enjoying the creativity of a certain high school.

Kim Possible Sign_Home of the Mad Dogs

Kim Possible Sign_Busy Bs Get the As

Kim Possible Sign_Late for Class

Kim Possible Sign_Evil Clone Awareness

Kim Possible Sign_Reading

Kim Possible Sign_Welcome Math

Kim Possible Sign_Home of Double-Cheese Pizza

Kim Possible Sign_Kim Possible Student Driver

Kim Possible Sign_Geography Club

Kim Possible Sign_Mutated Roach

Kim Possible Sign_Philosophy Club

Kim Possible Sign_See You Later Procrastinator

Kim Possible Sign_Ron Stoppable Learned Here

Their puns were on point.

They weren't above being smart asses.

They really cared about the students' education.

Their lunches never disappointed.

They cared about the safety of all their students.

- Delanna

P.S. Does anyone else notice how the design of the flag keeps changing? Or is it just me?

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